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Name That Bone JOINTS Connective Tissue Medical Terminology

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Presentation on theme: "Name That Bone JOINTS Connective Tissue Medical Terminology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Name That Bone JOINTS Connective Tissue Medical Terminology Harder Than Bone 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500











12 The place where 2 or more bones meet is called?

13 Joint

14 The Hip Joint is an example of what kind of joint?

15 Ball & Socket

16 The Knee and Elbow are both examples
of what type of joint?

17 Hinge Joint

18 The ankle and wrist are both examples of what type of joint?

19 Gliding Joint

20 The neck and radius are both
examples of what type of joint?

21 Pivot Joint

22 Elastic bands of tissue that connect bone to bone and provide stability to the joint.

23 Ligaments

24 Bands of tissue that connect muscle to bone?

25 Tendons

26 Soft gel like padding between
bones that protect joints and help with movement?

27 Cartilage

28 Cardiac Muscle is also known as?

29 Heart Muscle

30 Smooth muscle is found in?

31 Small & Large Intestines
Organs/Esophagus Small & Large Intestines

32 Medical name for the skull is?

33 Cranium

34 Medical name for the breastbone?

35 Sternum

36 Medical name for the collar bone?

37 Clavicle

38 Medical name for the Knee Cap

39 Patella

40 Medical name for the Shoulder Blade

41 Scapula

42 The strongest and longest bone in the body is?

43 Femur

44 Bone is made up of these 2 minerals

45 Calcium & Phosphate

46 Name 2 functions that bones provide for our bodies

47 1)Protect Organs 2) Support Body
3) Makes Blood Cells 4) Stores Minerals

48 The Smallest bone is located in the ear and is called the?

49 Stirrup

50 The only substance in the
Human body that is Harder than bone

51 Tooth Enamel

52 The amount of weight it takes to crack the Femur Bone?

53 1200 Pounds per Square Inch

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