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Aero-otitis media / Aviation pressure deafness

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1 Aero-otitis media / Aviation pressure deafness
OTITIC BAROTRAUMA Aero-otitis media / Aviation pressure deafness Charles  Hydrogen Balloon World War I - Sidney Scott World War II - Increase of Air power

2 Mention anatomy of ET

3 Boyle’s law Volume is inversely proportional to pressure in fixed mass of gas

As altitude ↑ environmental pressure ↓ At ft pressure is half that of sea level, and at ft ¼ Relationship between altitude and barometric pressure

5 As depth increases during diving , pressure increases
One atmospheric pressure increase for every 10 mtrs

elastin Medial end is slit like, lies collapsed, in close proximity to lymphoid tissue Opens on swallowing (pressure equalises) (effect of tensor & levator palati) LEARN DIAGRAM Ostman pad of fat Cross-section of Cartilagenous part of Eustachian tube

ASCENT At high altitude ME pressure is higher than env pressure, therefore air from middle ear escapes passively along ET equalising pressures Middle Ear Nasopharynx

During descent environmental pressure is higher than ME pressure, therefore we need to aerate the ME actively by VALSALVA manouvre/other methods If the tube does not open and the pressure gradient increases beyond 90 mm of Hg, tube gets locked Similar during deep sea diving & hyperbaric chamber Middle ear DESCENT Nasopharynx

9 Aetiology of Otitic Barotrauma
Healthy subjects Rapid descent No attempt at auto-inflation Sleep; sedation; position Effect of alcohol Anatomical differences Pathological states Acute infection  oedema of ET mucosa Chronic ET obstruction  infected tonsils/nasal polypi /allergic rhinitis/ DNS/nasal allergy

10 OTITIC BAROTRAUMA Clinical Features
Mild – Fullness/ slight hearing loss Moderate – Pain/ deafness/ interstitial hemorrhage/ fluid Severe – Severe pain/ deafness/ rupture

Tubal Occlusion


13 Injection plus mild haemorrhage within the tympanic membrane
Findings Grade Symptoms (pain, nausea, vomiting, etc.) Without changes in the tympanic membrane Injection of the tympanic membrane (may be most noticeable along the handle of the malleus) I Injection plus mild haemorrhage within the tympanic membrane II Gross haemorrhage within the tympanic membrane III Free blood in the middle ear (tympanic membrane blue and bulging) IV Perforation of the tympanic membrane (commonest in AI quadrant) V

14 Other possible features
Middle ear Ossicular disruption Stapes avulsion RW membrane rupture 7th nerve barotrauma Inner ear Perilymph fistula Implosive mechanism  forceful valsalva  patent ET  Implosive damage to RW Explosive mechanism  forceful valsalva  blocked ET  ↑ CSF pressure  explosive damage to RW Oval window in stapedectomized patients

15 OTITIC BAROTRAUMA Treatment - Curative No flying
Reascent & gradual descent ET catheterisation Antibiotics Analgesics Nasal + oral decongestants Myringotomy Grommets Eliminate septic foci

16 Treatment TM rupture  no active management, remove clots if not healed by 3 mths  myringoplasty Perilymph fistula  Bed rest, head elevation, labyrinthine sedatives, stool softeners, cough suppressant, Acetazolamide

17 Prevention Decompression chamber run on enrolment
Education of aircrew/ divers Flying discipline Auto-inflation techniques – frenzel’s manouvere for pilots

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