Your History Fair Project Theme- Communication Throughout History.

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Presentation on theme: "Your History Fair Project Theme- Communication Throughout History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your History Fair Project Theme- Communication Throughout History

2 Choose your format l Exhibit -- individual or group l Skit- individual or group l Documentary - individual or group l Academic Paper (individual only) l Model- individual or group

3 Requirements l All work must be done by student l Work must be done this school year l Go to the website l Resources must include both Primary and secondary l Bibliography- must be annotated


5 Exhibit rubrics l Maybe group(2-5) or individual l Size 40 inches wide, 72 inches height, 30 inches deep l No more than 500 words of your own l May use quotes and magazine articles l Write a paper of 500 words or less l Include a Annotated Bibliography

6 Documentary Rubrics l Maybe group of 2-5 or individual l Time requirements 10 minutes l Allow 5 minutes to set up and break down l Student runs all equipment l May use professional photographs, film, slides recorded music, etc. l Give proper credit-credits at the end l All work must be done by student

7 Performance Rubrics l Portray a important event in history l Time not to exceed 10 minutes in length l Time includes set up and break down l Introduction - title and names of participants l All participants must be in the performance l Media devices are permitted but you must supply

8 Annotated Bibliography l List only resources that you used l MLA format with a sentence stating why you choose that resource. l Divide into Primary and Secondary resources l Failure to credit sources is plagiarism and will result in disqualification l

9 Process Paper l Must be no more than 500 words l Black ink and typed with margins l No color or fancy font acceptable (Times- 14) l Title page- Title, name, division --Junior Division, category

10 What to write for your Process Paper l Explain how you chose your topic l Explain how you conducted your research l Explain how you selected your presentation category and created your project l Explain how your project relates to the theme l Go to

11 Organize your Paper l Title page l Process paper (500 words) l Annotated Bibliography l One staple left corner l Need 3 copies IF you go to the County competition

12 Sample of Judges score card will be posted. l Need great attitude l Positive thoughts l Willingness to try your best l Have fun and learn l Fill out forms on time

13 Time Line l Nov. 16, 2004 outline due l Jan.18th Tuesday entire project due l Week of Jan 18th class presentations

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