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It’s All Greek to Me Topic File Winter Class Autumn 2 Cycle B.

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1 It’s All Greek to Me Topic File Winter Class Autumn 2 Cycle B

2 Rationale: Children will apply their newly acquired knowledge and understanding of Ancient Greece to present their learning to an audience. This project will give all the children opportunities to develop their ‘Higher Order Thinking’ and to demonstrate the skills they will need in the future. As part of their evaluation of this work, the children will identify skills they have used from the ‘Learning Toolbox’. Winter Class Cycle B Autumn 2 Literacy Use Orpheus and Eurydice to identify language and effects. Hot seating and role play to identify similarities and differences between characters. Examine a variety of Ancient Greek myths and identify common themes. Read Orpheus and Eurydice to identify different characters thoughts and feelings at key points in the story. Interview Orpheus, make notes and plan letter writing. Turn direct speech into reported speech. Write letters from Orpheus to the God Hades. Re order a paragraph in Orpheus’s letter to improve her argument. Select and retell an extract form Orpheus and Eurydice orally. Create own version of a known myth and prepare to retell. Retell own version of a known myth. Revise spellings of common prefixes. Planning of their mythical hero. Create a plan for own myth using language features. Select, edit and improve own writing. Complete their writing of own myth. Geography Name a range of physical features using pictorial evidence. Select an area for study, investigating how its geography affects the lives of different people, Collect weather data for the region and compare its seasons and weather patterns with ours Investigate the impact of mountains on the history of Greece and on life there today. History Use postcards, maps, holiday brochures and the internet to find out about feature of life in Greece today. Use historical sources, including artefacts and the internet to find out about life in Ancient Greece. Know what ‘ancient’ means and can we place dates for the civilization on a timeline explaining terms BC and AD. Locate Athens and Sparta on a map and use physical features to explain why they grew up separately and became rivals. Learn about the Greek army and navy from their pottery. Why did they need both? Retell the story of the Battle of Marathon from 2 different perspectives, an Athenian soldier and either a Spartan or a Persian. Explain how the Olympics developed. Investigate the development of the Olympics over the centuries. Make own interpretation of the ancient Olympic games. Compare modern and ancient versions. Art Investigate techniques in sketchbooks, including ways of representing scenes from Ancient Greece that depict life in an ancient society. Use clay to make Ancient Greek style pottery that depicts a scene from Ancient Greece. Compare and evaluate our work. Hook: A performance of a Greek Tragedy followed by authentic Greek food. Thinking Generate questions which can be investigated. Be able to solve problems in different situations using important Use a range of ‘higher order’ thinking to develop their leaning. Identify when they have used the skills in the ‘Learning Toolbox’ Creativity Generate a range of ideas and talk confidently about them. Embrace new challenges with perseverance, flexibility and adaptability. Develop inquisitiveness and curiosity for the immediate locality and the wider world. Outcome Activity: The children will present their learning via a PowerPoint presentation that shows an awareness of audience. It’s All Greek To Me

3 It’s All Greek to Me Winter Class Autumn 2 Cycle B Write a myth. Investigating the development of the Olympics over the centuries. Reading Orpheus and Eurydice to identify different characters thoughts and feelings at key points in the story. Outcome Activity: The children will present their learning on PowerPoint showing an awareness of audience on Monday 2 nd December at 1:15pm in the hall. Try Greek food, write and perform a Greek tragedy. Home Learning Activity. Please could children make a 3D model that develops their understanding of Ancient Greece. This could be a model Parthenon, an Ancient Greek helmet or a shield, the choice is yours! Please could it be completed by Friday 15 th November. Using historical sources, including artefacts and the internet to find out about life in Ancient Greece. Investigating the impact of mountains on the history of Greece and on life there today. Investigating techniques in sketchbooks, including ways of representing Ancient Greek society and then make their own pottery. Writing letters from Orpheus to the God Hades. Learning about the Greek army and navy from their pottery. Comparing different Ancient Greek myths. Revising spellings of common prefixes. Locating Athens and Sparta on a map and using physical features to explain why they grew up separately and became rivals. These are some of the activities your child will be carrying out this term:

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