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Key Stage 1 Parents Coffee Morning 14 th November 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Stage 1 Parents Coffee Morning 14 th November 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Stage 1 Parents Coffee Morning 14 th November 2012

2 Literacy in KS1

3 What does your child do for literacy? Phonics Guided reading Writing in a range of fiction and non-fiction styles Literacy games on the internet and typing Writing in other subjects Role play

4 Year 1 - reading By the end of year 1, your child should: Sound out CVC words e.g. bat, sit, cut. Know around 45 high frequency words Be able to talk about a story and say what might happen next, or think about a character’s feelings. Be able to retell a story and say what parts of the story they do and don’t like.

5 Year 1 - writing By the end of year 1, your child should: Write simple phrases and statements Remember capital letters and full stops some of the time Write clearly so people can read his/her writing Try to put all his/ her ideas into writing Spell some common and CVC words correctly

6 Year 2 - reading By the end of year 2, your child should: Have a range of strategies to help with reading e.g. sounding out, looking at other words in the sentence, using pictures etc Predict what will happen in a story and be able to talk about the setting, characters and make comparisons to other similar stories Recognise and be able to explain the difference between fiction and non-fiction books.

7 Year 2 - writing By the end of year 2, your child should: Begin sentences in lots of different ways Use more interesting joining words than ‘and’ Write stories with a beginning, middle and end Try to include interesting vocabulary Spell frequently used words correctly and use phonics to help with less familiar words.

8 How you can help with reading When you listen to your child read, please encourage them to sound out unfamiliar words or use the pictures and what they’ve just read to help. Ask them questions to check understanding – use the bookmarks. Read to them and with them – if they see you reading regularly they will want to do it too!

9 How you can help with writing As with reading, please encourage your child to sound out words. Find what they enjoy writing about and encourage it – find their passions! Try to encourage the correct pencil grip – this will help throughout their school life and is very hard to correct when they are older.

10 Froggy legs pencil grip! The thumb and forefinger should look like two frogs legs jumping up and down.


12 Areas of maths Number Shape and measure Handling data Using and applying

13 Year 1 By the end of the year your child should be able to: add and subtract numbers of objects to 10 solve addition/subtraction problems involving up to 10 objects sort and classify objects demonstrating the criterion they have used measure and order objects using direct comparison use everyday language to describe properties and positions of 2-D and 3-D shapes use mathematics as an integral part of classroom activities represent their work with objects or pictures discuss their work, e.g. with support

14 Year 2 By the end of year 2 your child should: use the knowledge that subtraction is the inverse of addition use mental recall of addition and subtraction facts to 10 begin to use halves and quarters count sets of objects reliably know 2, 5 and 10 times tables understand angle as a measurement of turn begin to use everyday non-standard and standard units to measure sort and classify objects using more than one criterion communicate their findings, using the simple lists, tables, pictograms and block graphs select the mathematics they use in some classroom activities discuss their work using mathematical language

15 How to help your child Encourage them to recognise numbers, shapes, data in everyday situations. Make maths fun – shopping, out in the card, tickets, the cinema (real life contexts) Allow them to make mistakes – it is a journey: those praised for trying will achieve more than those praised for being clever. Use the methods taught at SIS.

16 Thanks for listening!

17 Science in Key Stage 1 By Francesca

18 Science Curriculum in SIS What your children do in SIS Topics of work varying between ◦Chemistry ◦Biology ◦Physics In Year 1 topics include ◦Sound and Hearing ◦Pushes and Pulls ◦Light and Dark ◦Ourselves ◦Growing Plant ◦Sorting Materials

19 In our classrooms Year 2 Topics ◦Plants ◦Variation ◦Changing and Grouping Materials ◦Using Electricity ◦Forces and Movement ◦Food and Health Investigations ◦Which material makes the car go down the ramp fastest? ◦Making circuits

20 Investigations – what students should be able to do by the end of year 1 To talk about what they observe when they do things. To record observations using pictures.

21 Investigations – what students should be able to do by the end of year 2 Use simple equipment provided. Describe observations using some scientific vocabulary. Observe and compare results. Say whether what happened was what they expected.

22 What can students learn at home? Science is in everything we do Science at home booklet ◦Activities you can do at home ◦Activities in the community http://scienceofeverydaylife.discoveryedu http://scienceofeverydaylife.discoveryedu

23 Thank you for listening Any questions?

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