The Anatomy of a Cell.

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Presentation on theme: "The Anatomy of a Cell."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Anatomy of a Cell

2 From the Outside In… Cell Wall rigid structure located on the outside of the cell Function: Support and Protection Found: Plants, Fungi, Bacteria, some Protists Cell Membrane Flexible membrane between the cell and its environment Function: allow nutrients to enter and leave the cell


4 Nulceus controls the activities of
organelles (surrounded by Nulcear Envelope) Nucleolus produces ribosomes Ribosomes produces proteins accoring to directions of DNA Cytoplasm clear, gelatinous fluid inside a cell


6 Endoplasmic Reticulum Sites of chemical reactions (SER and RER)
Golgi Apparatus flattened stack of tubular membranes that sorts proteins into packages and packs them to be sent to the appropriate destination Vacuolesstorage area for food, enzymes, and other materials


8 Chloroplasts capture light energy and convert it to chemical energy
Lysosomes digests excess or worn out organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or bacteria “SUICIDE SAC” Chloroplasts capture light energy and convert it to chemical energy Mitochondria transform energy for the cell “POWER HOUSE”


10 Microtubule thin, hollow cylinders made of protein
Microfilaments smaller, solid protein fibers *together they shape, anchor, and support many organelles *provide a system through which materials move Centrioles play an important role in cell division

11 Cilia short, numerous projections that look like hairs
Flagella longer projections that move in a whip-like motion **Aid in the locomotion of the cell or in feeding

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