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Floridas Outcome-Based Evaluation Program Technical Session LSTA Coordinators Annual Conference November 16-17, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Floridas Outcome-Based Evaluation Program Technical Session LSTA Coordinators Annual Conference November 16-17, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Floridas Outcome-Based Evaluation Program Technical Session LSTA Coordinators Annual Conference November 16-17, 2000

2 Access for All: Libraries in Floridas Future; A Plan for the Continued Development of Floridas Libraries n Goals: –Direct digital Internet access –Telecommunications networks for Florida Library Network –Technology to facilitate distance learning –Address critical issues that impact Floridas communities

3 Eligible Types of Libraries n Public Libraries n Multitype Library Cooperatives n Academic Libraries n Special Libraries n School Libraries

4 Categories for 20000 n Adult or Family Literacy n Born to Read n Library Services to Older Adults n FloriNet Connectivity n Library Automation n Linking Libraries

5 Categories for 2001 n Access for Persons Having Difficulty Using Libraries n Library Technology Connectivity and Services

6 Traditional Project Measurement:

7 Outcomes Measurement


9 Sample Common Outcomes n Parents read to their children n Older adults use information to enhance their lives n Older adults learn to use computers n Public uses technology to get information n Public learns to use technology

10 Indicators n Show that the outcomes have been achieved- Number of parents who read daily to their children n Ties to the common outcome- but indicator may be project specific n Each outcome has at least one indicator

11 Setting Targets n Most programs cannot establish targets in the first year of collecting data n We suggested that only ongoing projects set targets

12 Training And Assistance Provided for 2000-2001 n LSTA Grant Writing Workshops n Capacity Building Workshops n Liaison Consulting Assistance

13 First Year Expectations n Refine outcome models n Tools listed on midyear report n Annual report describing outcomes n Exemplary Project Recognition Program

14 Timetable for Evaluation n 1st Year logic models not scored n Outcome-based grants began October 2000 n 2nd year grants –Models will be scored –Targets should be set for continuing projects

15 Evaluation Personnel n State and Federal Grants Office n Research Office n Liaison Consultants Role n RFP for outside evaluation

16 Strategies Timeline n 1998 –Bureau of Library Development gets United Way training –Directors Conference Presentation –Florida participates in first IMLS pilot project

17 Strategies 1999 n OPPAGA Review- liked outcome concept n October Directors Conference -- Sadlon and Associates presented program n Born to Read Capacity Building Workshop- each group worked on an outcome plan at workshop

18 Strategies 2000 n LSTA Grant Writing Workshop- new format and application n Grants submitted in March all had logic models which were not scored but were required n Panel at Directors Conference gave positive feedback n November 2000 Capacity Building Workshop

19 Challenges n Initial resistance from State Library staff –We were comfortable with older goals/objectives and outputs n Concerns: – That it was just another fad –Would be intrusive –Would be more work –Governing agencies would not understand the language

20 Successes n BLD staff finally understood it n BTR Capacity Building Workshop and Grant Writing workshops were turning points- THE FIELD GOT IT! n Logic model helps grant writing process n Accountability n We know that the programs make a difference!

21 Our Commitment for Support n Help libraries understand the difference between outputs and outcomes n Help libraries focus on the impact their projects have on the public-their outcomes n Encourage libraries to create the systems needed to measure and use the data

22 Our Support System n Liaison consultants –work with libraries in their area n Research Office –Survey design and pre-testing –Work on indicators n Continued Workshops

23 Additional Needs n State Library needs to know what other states are doing n Need ideas for support to libraries and how to make it better

24 Need for Success: n Support of administration n A champion for the project n Outside help n Nurturing approach for those who apply for grants

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