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© 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 1 DO NOW: ■Why do people work? ■What jobs do you have? Your friends have? ■What jobs do your parents have?

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Presentation on theme: "© 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 1 DO NOW: ■Why do people work? ■What jobs do you have? Your friends have? ■What jobs do your parents have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 1 DO NOW: ■Why do people work? ■What jobs do you have? Your friends have? ■What jobs do your parents have?

2 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 2 T/P/S: Brainstorming ■What careers are considered professionals? Why? ■What careers are considered service jobs? Why?

3 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Choosing Your Career 1.1Jobs and Careers 1

4 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 4 Lesson 1.1 Jobs and Careers GOALS/Agenda ■Discuss career and job categories. ■Activity: Career Survey

5 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 5 Job Analysis ■A job analysis is an evaluation of the positive and negative attributes of a given type of work. ■This is what helps you decide what job is a good fit for you!!

6 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 6 Title and salary Skills, education, and experience Positive featuresNegative features Job Analysis Form

7 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 7 OOH Job Description Categories ■Management ■Professional ■Service ■Sales ■Administrative ■Farming ■Construction ■Installation ■Production ■Transportation ■Armed Forces

8 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 8 Positive Features of Employment ■Salary is the amount of monthly or annual pay that you will earn for your labor. ■Benefits are company- provided supplements to salary (sick pay, vacation time, health insurance). ■Opportunity for promotion is the ability to advance to positions of greater responsibility and higher pay.

9 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 9 Negative Features of Employment ■Employee expenses: costs of working paid by the employee that are NOT reimbursed by the employer. ■Examples: costs of parking and transportation (gasoline or bus fare). ■Work characteristics: daily activities of the job and the environment in which they must be performed. ■Examples: working indoors vs. outdoors, working alone vs. working on a team, having a high or low degree of stress.

10 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Your Task ■Step One - Go to: ■Step Two: Take quiz and record your interest inventory. ■Step Three: Take information to OOH ■Step Four: Complete Job Analysis

11 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Closure: ■ What are two pros and two cons of your profession? ■ HW: Outline 2.1

12 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Do Now ■ How can people find out about job opportunities? ■ How can a person build up their work history? Agenda: -Notes on 2.2 -Job Analysis (poster creation) Closure: Share/presentations How can we start preparing for our career now? (networking, programs, clubs/course)

13 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Sources of Job Opportunities ■Word of mouth from personal contacts. ■Contact- Member of your network, family member, or former work associate. ■School counseling and placement services ■Public and private employment agencies (EX- Temp agencies) ■Newspaper, the Internet (Career Builder, Indeed, -Also- sites like LinkedIn for networking!

14 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Gaining experience and contacts… ■Job shadowing- spending a morning or afternoon with a worker in the type of job that interests you. ■Placement Centers- Assist students in making career choices. Can help get students part-time or full-time work.  Cooperative education: students attend classes and complete work or a field experience.

15 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Public and Private Employment Agencies -Employment agencies: help job seekers find a job for which they are qualified. -A headhunter: type of employment agency that seeks out highly qualified people to fill important positions for an employer. -Temporary agency or “temp agency”: provides part- or full-time temporary job placement.

16 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Building up a work history… ■A careful search can land you a job you will enjoy for many years. ■Your work history is a record of the jobs you have held and how long you stayed with each employer. ■Employers will evaluate your work history when you apply for a job. ■Take time to do what is necessary to find the job that is the right fit for you ■Networking, contacts ■Experience, skills ■Courses, programs

17 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Job Analysis Poster Requirements: -Job title and brief description -Average Salary -Education and experience required (degree, programs, courses, etc) -Skills needed to perform occupation -One picture or representation of the job **A few sentences on HOW you can buildup your work history

18 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 18 Entrepreneurship ■An entrepreneur is someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the ownership risks of a new business. ■Opportunities for business ownership ■Continue a family business ■Purchase an existing business or franchise ■Start a new business from scratch ■EXAMPLES?!?!?!

19 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning 19 ■Entrepreneur or not?

20 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Activity ■ Research ■ Find images ■ Create ■ Brief Paragraph description

21 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Closure: With a partner: ■Come up with a list of pros and cons of owning your own business? ■Would this be something you would want to do?

22 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 22 Advantages of Owning Your Own Business ■Make the decisions ■Be your own boss ■Feel in control of your own future ■Keep the profits ■Is anyone interested in opening their own business? What type?

23 © 2010 South-Western, Cengage Learning Chapter 1 23 Disadvantages of Owning Your Own Business ■Large investment of planning and money ■High risk of failure ■Statistics show that most (75 %) new small businesses do not succeed. ■Two most common reasons for failure: ■Lack of financing & Lack of skills

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