Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Building Protective Factors with Families [Presenter Name] [date]

2 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Objectives Five protective factors How they relate to prevention of child abuse and neglect How you can strengthen these protective factors for the families in your early care and education program

3 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Activity True Confessions

4 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning A Strength-based, Protective Factors Approach Build on existing strengths to keep all families strong and all children safe All families have strengths All families have need for support Focus on protective factors that all families need

5 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Strengthened families Optimal child development Reduced child abuse and neglect Strengthened families Optimal child development Reduced child abuse and neglect Social and emotional competence of children Social and emotional competence of children Knowledge of parenting and child development Knowledge of parenting and child development Social connections Concrete support in times of need Concrete support in times of need Parental resilience Protective FactorsResults

6 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Parallel Process in Relationships ParentsChildSupervisorStaff

7 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning

8 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Intensive individualized interventions Social emotional teaching strategies Designing supportive environments Building positive relationships All children Children at-risk 5-15% Children with persistent challenges 3-10% Functional behavior assessment positive behavior support plan Intentional teaching of social skills and emotional regulation High quality early care and education Teaching Pyramid

9 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning How ECE Programs Promote Social Emotional Development Direct teaching of social and emotional skills Helping parents to see positives in their children, despite challenging behaviors Working with parents, child, and appropriate professionals to address challenging behaviors, rather than kicking children out

10 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Discussion

11 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Knowledge of Parenting & Child Development Their child, right now! Challenging behaviors Discipline alternatives Basic child development info Techniques

12 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Stages of Parenthood Stage 1 Image Making Stage 2 Nurturing Stage 3 Authority Stage 4 Interpretive Stage 5 Interdependence Stage 6 Departure Galinsky 1987. The Six Stages of Parenthood

13 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning How ECE programs enhance parents’ knowledge “Just in time” parent education, when an issue comes up Role modeling to support understanding of developmental issues and learning new strategies Formal parent education events or activities Partnerships with parent education organizations 13

14 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Discussion

15 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Social Connections Social Support Talk about children and parenting See other parents “in action” Give and get advice Share joys and challenges of parenting Trade child care Vent frustrations

16 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning How ECE Programs Help Parents Develop Social Connections Providing informal space for parents to “hang out” Blending social and parent education activities Organizing structured activities that bring parents together –Outreach to men Reaching out and connecting isolated parents to activities at the center

17 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning “My sense that I have other people I can depend on here is great. That’s huge.”

18 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Connecting Parents Be conscious of your efforts to connect parents Provide a variety of ways both informal and more formal Build relationships, get to know your parents. Refer parents for services if needed

19 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning CULTURAL DIFFERENCES Cultural Differences

20 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Discussion Questions How does your center help families build social connections? What more could you do? Exchange stories of challenges with outreach to men, or with getting isolated parents involved

21 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Concrete Support in Times of Need Food Job Training Education Health Care Clothing Shelter Domestic Violence Assistanc e Substance Abuse Counseling Mental Health Service s Specialized Services for Children

22 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning How ECE programs Help Families Access Concrete Support Distributing community resource guides Inviting community partners to share information with all families in the center Referring parents to community resources – a name, a phone number and follow-up Helping parents to overcome barriers to getting the services they need

23 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning “I don’t know how staff does it, but you know you can go to them with any issue and they’ll be professional and it will stay with them.”

24 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Parental Resilience Belief system Hope Communi- cation skills Coping strategies Acknowledge feelings Problem- solve Recognize challenges Make changes for the future Gather resources Take action Make good choices

25 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning How ECE Programs Build Parental Resilience Consistency of caring: Through daily contact, show parents: –They are valued –Staff is concerned about them –Help is available For some parents, getting to resiliency may require “re-parenting” with extra support and trusting relationships

26 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning “I find strength from the unconditional support and non-threatening environment here.”

27 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Activity Stages of Change

28 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Self Reflection on Parent Engagement

29 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Program Strategies to Build Protective Factors Facilitate friendships and mutual support Strengthen parenting Respond to family crises Link families to services and opportunities Value and support parents Facilitate children’s social and emotional development Observe and respond to early warning signs of child abuse or neglect

30 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning 30

31 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Relationships: The Foundation Trusting relationships with parents, developed over time Strong relationship with child protective services agency Relationships with other agencies and services

32 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning What Your Program Can Do: Small But Significant Changes Learn parents’ names and get to know them better Plan events to engage parents in the center Implement a social-emotional development curriculum Make your center more welcoming to parents through physical changes Get staff training on child abuse and neglect, community resources, and working with families

33 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning What Your Program Can Do Thinking Big Use the self-assessment to identify areas for improvement Engage parents in improving how your program reaches out and builds protective factors for families Build relationships with child welfare agencies and child abuse prevention advocates in your community

34 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Reflections and Looking Ahead List one or two key points from today’s training. How will you use this information?

35 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning What issue will be targeted?ActionOutcome Target Date Person Responsible Completion Date Key Point

36 Presentation Title (Master View) Edward G. Rendell, Governor | Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Secretary of Education | Estelle G. Richman, Secretary of Public Welfare | Office of Child Development & Early Learning Office of Child Development & Early Learning Tools and Resources Strengthening Families National Network Program guidebook and self-assessment tools. PA Children’s Trust Fund PA KEYS Strengthening Families

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