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Science, Matter, Energy, and Systems Chapter 2. The Effects of Deforestation on the Loss of Water and Soil Nutrients.

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Presentation on theme: "Science, Matter, Energy, and Systems Chapter 2. The Effects of Deforestation on the Loss of Water and Soil Nutrients."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science, Matter, Energy, and Systems Chapter 2

2 The Effects of Deforestation on the Loss of Water and Soil Nutrients

3 Science Is a Search for Order in Nature (1)  Identify a problem  Find out what is known about the problem  Ask a question to be investigated  Gather data  Hypothesize  Make testable predictions  Keep testing and making observations  Accept or reject the hypothesis

4 Science Is a Search for Order in Nature (2)  Important features of the scientific process Curiosity Skepticism Peer review Reproducibility Openness to new ideas

5 Fig. 2-2, p. 30 Scientific law Well-accepted pattern in data Identify a problem Find out what is known about the problem (literature search) Ask a question to be investigated Perform an experiment to answer the question and collect data Analyze data (check for patterns) Propose an hypothesis to explain data Use hypothesis to make testable predictions Perform an experiment to test predictions Scientific theory Well-tested and widely accepted hypothesis Accept hypothesis Revise hypothesis Test predictions Make testable predictions

6 Scientific Theories and Laws Are the Most Important Results of Science  Scientific theory Widely tested Supported by extensive evidence Accepted by most scientists in a particular area  Scientific law, law of nature  Paradigm shift

7 The Results of Science Can Be Tentative, Reliable, or Unreliable  Tentative science, frontier science  Reliable science  Unreliable science

8 Environmental Science Has Some Limitations  Particular hypotheses, theories, or laws have a high probability of being true while not being absolute  Bias can be minimized by scientists  Statistical methods may be used to estimate very large or very small numbers  Environmental phenomena involve interacting variables and complex interactions  Scientific process is limited to the natural world

9 Science Focus: Statistics and Probability  Statistics Collect, organize, and interpret numerical data  Probability The chance that something will happen or be valid

10 2-2 What Is Matter?  Concept 2-2 Matter consists of elements and compounds, which are in turn made up of atoms, ions, or molecules.

11 Matter Consists of Elements and Compounds  Matter Has mass and takes up space  Elements Unique properties Cannot be broken down chemically into other substances  Compounds Two or more different elements bonded together in fixed proportions

12 Elements Important to the Study of Environmental Science

13 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules Are the Building Blocks of Matter (1)  Atomic theory  Subatomic particles Protons (p) with positive charge and neutrons (0) with no charge in nucleus Negatively charged electrons (e) orbit the nucleus  Mass number Protons plus neutrons  Isotopes

14 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules Are the Building Blocks of Matter (2)  Ions Gain or lose electrons Form ionic compounds  pH Measure of acidity H + and OH -


16 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules Are the Building Blocks of Matter (3)  Molecule Two or more atoms of the same or different elements held together by chemical bonds  Chemical formula

17 Model of a Carbon-12 Atom

18 Fig. 2-3, p. 36 6 electrons 6 protons 6 neutrons

19 Fig. 2-4, p. 37 Nitrate (NO 3 – ) concentration (milligrams per liter) 1972197119701969196819671966196519641963 Undisturbed (control) watershed Disturbed (experimental) watershed 60 40 20 Year

20 Organic Compounds Are the Chemicals of Life  Inorganic compounds  Organic compounds Hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbons Simple carbohydrates Macromolecules: complex organic molecules Complex carbohydrates Proteins Nucleic acids Lipids

21 Matter Comes to Life through Genes, Chromosomes, and Cells  Cells: fundamental units of life  Genes: sequences of nucleotides within the DNA  Chromosomes: composed of many genes

22 Fig. 2-5, p. 38 Stepped Art A human body contains trillions of cells, each with an identical set of genes. Each human cell (except for red blood cells) contains a nucleus. Each cell nucleus has an identical set of chromosomes, which are found in pairs. A specific pair of chromosomes contains one chromosome from each parent. Each chromosome contains a long DNA molecule in the form of a coiled double helix. Genes are segments of DNA on chromosomes that contain instructions to make proteins—the building blocks of life.

23 Matter Occurs in Various Physical Forms  Solid  Liquid  Gas

24 Terms and things to know:  Feedback loops, Positive Feedback loops, Negative feedback loops. (Pg. 33)  Synergy (pg. 34)  pH and pH scale (Pg. 36)  Organic compounds (Pg. 36)

25 Ions Important to the Study of Environmental Science

26 Compounds Important to the Study of Environmental Science

27 Some Forms of Matter Are More Useful than Others  High-quality matter- concentrated, usually near earth’s surface, and has great potential for us as a matter resource.  Low-quality matter- dilute, often located deep underground or is dispersed in ocean or atmosphere. Little potential as a matter resource.

28 Fig. 2-6, p. 39 Aluminum can High Quality Solid Salt Coal Gasoline Aluminum ore Low Quality Solution of salt in water Gas Coal-fired power plant emissions Automobile emissions

29 2-3 How Can Matter Change?  Concept 2-3 When matter undergoes a physical or chemical change, no atoms are created or destroyed (the law of conservation of matter).

30 Types of pollutants  Persistence – measure of how long the pollutant stays in the air, water, soil, or body.  1. Degradable – broken down completely or reduced to acceptable levels by natural processes.  2. Biodegradable – complex chemical pollutants that living organisms break down into simpler chemicals. (Usually bacteria) ex. Sewage  3. Slowly degradable pollutants – take decades or longer to degrade ex. DDT  4. Nondegradable – cannot be broken down. Ex-

31 Matter Undergoes Physical, Chemical, and Nuclear Changes  Physical change- any change in matter in which the substance does not change. (Phase changes, volume changes)  Chemical change, chemical reaction- change in matter in which new substances are formed in the product. (Combustion)  Nuclear change-nuclei of one isotope spontaneously changes or is made to change into nuclei of a different isotope.

32 Nuclear terms to know: Natural radioactive decay: unstable isotopes spontaneously emit fast-moving chunks of matter (alpha or beta), high-energy radiation (gamma) or both at a fixed rate. Radioisotopes: unstable isotopes Half-life: the time needed for one-half of the nuclei in a given quantity of radioisotope to decay and emit their radiation.

33 Rule of thumb: It takes 10 half lives for a sample to decay enough to be at a ‘safe’ level. Problems: How long to store the following? a.I-131 (8 days) b. Plutonium-239 (24,000yrs) c. Uranium-235 (700 mil. ) Health effects of radiation exposure: a.Lung cancer if inhaled b. alter DNA c. Genetic defects d. damage body tissue e. Cause burns f. miscarriages g. cataracts h. OTHER CANCERS!

34 Discussion questions: (Pages 40-41) 1.Explain what nuclear fission consists of. 2.What is critical mass? 3.What is a chain reaction? 4.What is the difference between a nuclear bomb and the reactor of a nuclear power plant? 5.What is nuclear fusion? Why are fusion reactions not a possibility as an answer to our energy problems at this time?

35 Types of Nuclear Changes

36 Fig. 2-7a, p. 41

37 Beta particle (electron) Radioactive decay Radioactive isotope Alpha particle (helium-4 nucleus) Gamma rays

38 Fig. 2-7b, p. 41

39 Nuclear fission Uranium-235 Energy Fission fragment Fission fragment Neutron n Uranium-235 n n n n n

40 Fig. 2-7c, p. 41

41 Nuclear fusion Fuel ProtonNeutron Hydrogen-2 (deuterium nucleus) Hydrogen-3 (tritium nucleus) Reaction conditions 100 million °C Products Helium-4 nucleus Energy Neutron

42 Fig. 2-7, p. 41 Stepped Art Beta particle (electron) Radioactive decay Radioactive isotope Alpha particle (helium-4 nucleus) Gamma rays Nuclear fission Uranium-235 Energy Fission fragment Fission fragment Neutron n Uranium-235 n n n n n Nuclear fusion Fuel ProtonNeutron Hydrogen-2 (deuterium nucleus) Hydrogen-3 (tritium nucleus) Reaction conditions 100 million °C Products Helium-4 nucleus Energy Neutron

43 We Cannot Create or Destroy Matter  Law of conservation of matter  Matter consumption Matter is converted from one form to another

44 Energy Terms  Energy = ability to do work and transfer heat  Types: electrical, mechanical, light and electro- magnetic, heat, chemical, nuclear.

45 2-4 What is Energy and How Can It Be Changed?  Concept 2-4A When energy is converted from one form to another in a physical or chemical change, no energy is created or destroyed (first law of thermodynamics).  Concept 2-4B Whenever energy is changed from one form to another, we end up with lower- quality or less usable energy than we started with (second law of thermodynamics).

46 Energy Comes in Many Forms  Kinetic energy Heat Transferred by radiation, conduction, or convection Electromagnetic radiation – moves by waves. Can move through empty space. Speed of light  Potential energy Stored energy Can be changed into kinetic energy

47 Fig. 2-9, p. 43 Solar energy Waste heat Waste heat Waste heat Waste heat Chemical energy (photosynthesis) Chemical energy (food) Mechanical energy (moving, thinking, living)

48 Some Types of Energy Are More Useful Than Others  High-quality energy- concentrated and can do much useful work.  Examples include: electricity, chemical energy stored in coal and gasoline, conc. Sunlight, the nuclei of U-235 used in power plants.  Low-quality energy- dispersed and has little ability to do useful work.  Example: heat!!

49 Energy Changes Are Governed by Two Scientific Laws  First Law of Thermodynamics: in any physical or chemical change, energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it can be converted from one form to another Energy input always equals energy output  Second Law of Thermodynamics Energy always goes from a more useful to a less useful form when it changes from one form to another  Energy efficiency or productivity

50 Energy efficiency  Measure of how much useful work is accomplished by a particular input to a system.

51 2-5 What Are Systems and How Do They Respond to Change?  Concept 2-5A Systems have inputs, flows, and outputs of matter and energy, and their behavior can be affected by feedback.  Concept 2-5B Life, human systems, and the earth’s life support systems must conform to the law of conservation of matter and the two laws of thermodynamics.

52 Systems Have Inputs, Flows, and Outputs  System Inputs from the environment Flows, throughputs Outputs

53 Inputs, Throughput, and Outputs of an Economic System

54 Fig. 2-10, p. 44 Heat Energy Inputs ThroughputsOutputs Energy resources Matter resources Information Economy Goods and services Waste and pollution

55 Systems Respond to Change through Feedback Loops  Positive feedback loop  Negative, or corrective, feedback loop

56 Positive Feedback Loop

57 Fig. 2-11, p. 45 Decreasing vegetation......which causes more vegetation to die....leads to erosion and nutrient loss...

58 Negative Feedback Loop

59 Fig. 2-12, p. 45 House warms Furnace on Temperature reaches desired setting and furnace goes off Temperature drops below desired setting and furnace goes on House cools

60 Time Delays Can Allow a System to Reach a Tipping Point  Time delays vary Between the input of a feedback stimulus and the response to it  Tipping point, threshold level Causes a shift in the behavior of a system

61 System Effects Can Be Amplified through Synergy  Synergistic interaction, synergy Helpful Harmful E.g., Smoking and inhaling asbestos particles

62 Human Activities Can Have Unintended Harmful Results  Deforested areas turning to desert  Coral reefs dying  Glaciers melting  Sea levels rising

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