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Developments at EU level related to quality assurance EQAVET NRP meeting Brussels, 26 November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Developments at EU level related to quality assurance EQAVET NRP meeting Brussels, 26 November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developments at EU level related to quality assurance EQAVET NRP meeting Brussels, 26 November 2013

2 The Survey of Adult Skills: Some interesting results 20% EU working age population: low literacy & numeracy skills 25% adults lack digital skills needed to effectively use ICT striking differences: recent school leavers with upper secondary qualification in some MS ≥ skills than HE graduates in others LLL policies  sustaining skills over time given the gaps between generations and the significant economic and social benefits of higher skills.


4 Opening up education Challenges Teachers digital skills Training institutions infrastructures – poor ICT developed Digital content elaborated mostly outside Europe Opportunities Broadening access to education Lower costs for students and institutions Fuel innovation

5 Next steps Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020: Financial support for elaboration of tools, partnerships, teachers Structural funds To be used by member States Renewal of IT infrastructures in schools Revision of assessments

6 Education and Culture ECTS – 25 years on Club members 1988: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) to transfer achievements of Erasmus students 2013: > 75% HEI in EHEA use ECTS for transfer accumulation (learning outcomes and student workload approach) 2009: latest ECTS Users' Guide: guidance to HEIs on ECTS

7 Education and Culture ECTS Users' Guide revision Club members  Promoting student-centred learning  Ensuring meaningful implementation of learning outcomes (teaching, learning and assessment)  Encompassing LLL and reflecting the state of on-going work on recognition of prior learning  Catering for new ways of delivering programmes (OER, MOOCs)  Helping reduce obstacles to mobility/recognition  Strengthening links to other transparency tools

8 Education and Culture Club members Ad-hoc Working Group :  Representatives from 14 countries: AM, BE-nl, DE, FR, HU, IT, LT, MD, NL, NO, SE, UA and UK  4 organisations: ENQA, ESU, EUA and EURASHE  Chair: European Commission Timing:  The revised Guide will be finalized in advance of the Yerevan Ministerial Conference in 2015 ECTS Users' Guide revision

9 Education and Culture 2013 ECVET evaluation: -ECVET to increase synergies with other transparency instruments; or die  2013-14 ECVET evaluation: Next on your screen: -Interviews Q4 2013 -Final report Q2 2014 -Commission report to the EP and Council mid-2014 (ECVET to increase synergies with other transparency instruments ?) and live  Club members

10 Education and Culture -To what extent does ECVET contribute to ET2020, EU2020, Copenhagen Process? -To what extent is ECVET compatible with other transparency tools? Are there synergies, namely with national qualification frameworks? -What are the benefits of ECVET for the learners – and for other stakeholders? -Why didn't all countries set up necessary conditions? How can they be supported? ECVET evaluation questions Club members

11 Education and Culture -How is ECVET used and how can it be used within mobility projects? -To what extent do ECVET credit points reinforce geographical VET mobility? -To what extent does ECVET support permeability between VET and HE? -To what extent does ECVET support validation of prior learning? ECVET evaluation questions Club members

12 Education and Culture -Is the governance structure adequate? ECVET evaluation questions Club members

13 Education and Culture Validation of non-formal and informal learning By 2018: National arrangements for validation for NFIL Validation systems should include: Support for identification of learning outcomes Documentation of learning outcomes Assessment of learning outcomes Certification of learning outcomes (e.g. credits or a full qualification) Close to the club 

14 Education and Culture Validation of non-formal and informal learning Principles for national arrangements: Linked to the NQF and in line with the EQF Information and guidance to be widely available Specific targeting of disadvantaged groups Audit of skills and competences within 6 months Transparent quality assurance measures Professional development of validation staff Qualifications obtained via NFIL: agreed standards Use of European transparency tools Synergies with credit systems (e.g. ECTS, ECVET) Close to the club

15 Quality and Efficiency in Adult Learning High-level meeting between Commissioner Vassiliou and the European Social Partners; The European Education, Training and Youth Forum 2013 Quality Framework for Traineeships European Alliance for apprenticeships EURES Working Group on inclusion of Apprenticeships and Traineeships

16 Education and Culture European area of skills and qualifications Club reunion - Stakeholders consultation (policy developers, practitioners, networks, social partners, civil society) - General public consultation - A study - A conference Dec 2013- Mar 2014 Feb – May 2014 By mid-2014 Begin 2014

17 Events ESCO Conference 24-25 October 2013  Esco portal ECVET conference 24-25 October 2013 European Business Forum on Vocational Training 2014 in Brussels in May-June 2014.

18 EQAVET  EQAVET mapping study on quality assurance instruments in CVET and comparing them with EQAVET  EQAVET external evaluation  EQAVET report and Report on progress in QA in HE

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