Cuba One of communism’s last toeholds. Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according.

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1 Cuba One of communism’s last toeholds

2 Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use. Flags and maps obtained from: © 2006 -Jon Benignus

3 Cuban Geography Only 90 miles from Florida U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay Al-Qaeda suspects detained there

4 Cuban History U.S. conquered Cuba from Spain in the Spanish American War in 1899 U.S. Marines intervened in Cuban politics 4 times between 1901 and 1934 Corrupt Dictatorship until 1959 Big Caribbean resort for U.S. until 1959

5 The Cold War Cold War not Hot War Threats not shoot' in U.S. and allies vs. the Soviet Union and allies Started shortly after WW II (1946) till 1989

6 Fidel Castro Overthrew the dictatorship in 1959 Became Soviet ally Confiscated private property Including U.S. owned assets

7 Cuban Missile Crisis I Soviet Union installed missiles in Cuba Missiles could reach most of the U.S. Soviets missiles could not reach U.S. from Soviet territory

8 Bombers took at least 5 – 6 hours to reach their target We always had bombers in the air over the Arctic Circle hp?f=Cold_War_Conflicts_and_i nset_showing_The_Cuban_Missi le_Crisis_1962.jpg Missiles took 30 – 45 minutes

9 Cuban Missile Crisis II Nuclear war went from hours away to only minutes away With missiles in Cuba it was less than 15 minutes away!!

10 Cuban Missile Crisis III U.S. blockaded Cuba Turned back Soviet Ships

11 Cuban Healthcare Cuba got lots of money from the USSR Used money to build schools and hospitals Cubans are very educated Cuban doctors and nurses work in many poor countries haiti-2010-03-10.jpg

12 Cuba Today Castro still in power Cuba very poor since fall of Soviet Union U.S. does not trade with Cuba Cuban exiles in Florida want their property back

13 Guantanamo Bay U.S has a permanent lease Guantanamo Cuban territory, U.S. controlled

14 Guantanamo Bay II Not U.S. territory U.S. Justice system does not apply Suspect Terrorists imprisoned there

15 Raul Castro Younger brother of Fidel Defense Minister Now President After both Castro brothers …?

16 Haiti The country and its problems

17 Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use. Flags and maps obtained from: © 2007 -Jon Benignus


19 The entire island was a Spanish Colony Established by Columbus Modern Haiti sold to France in 1695 Hispaniola

20 Sugar Cane Sugar cane is processed to make sugar French need workers to work and process sugar cane Brought in African slaves to work the plantations

21 Revolution Slaves revolted against French oppression Jean-Jacques Dessalines was one of the leaders Brutally killed all white Frenchman on island No whites may own land Proclaimed himself emperor in 1804

22 “Papa Doc” & “Baby Doc” Haiti’s government remains unstable François Duvalier – President & President for Life (1957 – 1971) “Papa Doc” Jean-Claude Duvalier - President aged 19 after Daddy’s death (1971 – 1986) “Baby Doc”

23 Jean-Bertrand Aristide Several more military governments Former Catholic Priest Aristide elected in 1990 Overthrown in 1991 U.S. invaded and restored Aristide in 1994 Aristide unpopular after misrule and torture U.S. invades and takes over Haiti in 2004

24 UN Troops Still in Haiti U.S. Marines left Haiti and handed the country over to UN troops 8,000 UN soldiers there today Rene Preval President 2006 -

25 Poor Haiti Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere Per capital GDP is $1,300 per year 52.9% literacy rate Infant Mortality Rate – 59 Deaths per every 1,000 lives births

26 Mixed Beliefs Since Haiti is a former French Colony Most Hatians are Catholic Many African religions remain Hence Voodoo

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