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CIRED 2011RT 5b TSO-DSO co-ordination of planning for wind connections Tony Hearne Manager, Renewable Planning ESB Networks.

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Presentation on theme: "CIRED 2011RT 5b TSO-DSO co-ordination of planning for wind connections Tony Hearne Manager, Renewable Planning ESB Networks."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIRED 2011RT 5b TSO-DSO co-ordination of planning for wind connections Tony Hearne Manager, Renewable Planning ESB Networks

2 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Topics  Utility Landscape in Ireland  Wind situation in Ireland  Group processing  Gate 3  Conclusions

3 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Topics  Utility Landscape in Ireland  Wind situation in Ireland  Group processing  Gate 3  Conclusions

4 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Main Players in Ireland  Regulator  Transmission System Operator  Transmission System Planner  Distribution System Operator  Distribution System Planner  Transmission and Distribution Asset owner  CER  EirGrid  ESB Networks  ESB Networks  ESB

5 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 System Operator Structures ESB Group Generation- Customer supply Consultancy Eirgrid PLC TSO Plan Tx network Contol access to Tx network Operate Tx network SEMO Operate wholsale energy market ESB Networks Ltd TAO DAO DSO

6 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Transmission 6,300 km of Overhead Network 6,300 km of Overhead Network 140km of Underground Cables 140km of Underground Cables 165 HV Stations 165 HV Stations €1B RAB Value Distribution 160,000 km of Lines/Cables 160,000 km of Lines/Cables 630 HV Substations 630 HV Substations 230,000 MV Transformers/Units 230,000 MV Transformers/Units 2m meters 2m meters €5B RAB Value Transmission 400kV220kV110kV 38kV MV 20 kV & 10 kV Distribution LV 400 & 230 V 110kV 220kV 400kV 20kV 10kV

7 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Topics  Utility Landscape in Ireland  Wind situation in Ireland  Group processing  Gate 3  Conclusions

8 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011

9 Wind Connections MW 1460 MW c1250 3990 System Demand 2020

10 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011

11 History to date Up to 2003 applications for connection of wind to both System Operators were processed sequentially Since 2004, following a moratorium on wind connections, such is the volume of applications in the queue, that a Group Processing Approach [GPA] was the only practical way forward. They are now processed in batches known as Gates GateSize [MW]Year Take up of offers 13702005100% 213852007100% 339002011Offers issue nearing completion

12 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Connected: Blue In Progress: Red Being Quoted: Green

13 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Topics  Utility Landscape in Ireland  Wind situation in Ireland  Group processing  Gate 3  Conclusions

14 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Example of Sequential Approach 110kV 38kV MV 110/38kV Stn 38kV/MV Stn 38kV

15 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 110kV 38kV MV ? 110/38kV Stn 38kV/MV Stn 38kV Example of Sequential Approach

16 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 110kV 38kV 110/38kV Stn 38kV/MV Stn 110kV 38kV Example of Group Approach

17 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Sequential processing  Large applicants tend to apply to TSO, smaller ones to DSO  The connection method is determined solely on the basis of their connection  Applicants pay for their dedicated works  Interracting offers can cause withdrawal of offers already in train Group Processing  Applications are processed by the SO most suited to their Group connection irrespective of which SO they originally applied to.  The connection method is determined by the Least Cost technically Acceptable [LCTA] method for the defined sub-group  Applicants pay in full for their dedicated shallow works and a per MW share of shared shallow works  No Interaction issues within Gates

18 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 General operation of a “Gate”  Regulator [with input from both System Operators and wind industry] determine criteria for eligibility for inclusion of “Gate”  TSO and DSO jointly apply criteria to the “Queue” of application  Queue comprises both DSO and TSO applicants  Result: Make up of “Gate” is determined

19 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Gate 1 vs Gate 2  Gate 1: 370MW: purely date order  Gate 2: Date order plus element of System optimisation First 500MW in Queue “driver” Applications that share a LCTA shallow connection with “driver” Extensions to existing installations Outliers with interactions <10MW at 110kV node Resulting size circa 1385MW

20 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Topics  Utility Landscape in Ireland  Wind situation in Ireland  Group processing  Gate 3  Conclusions

21 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Implementation of Gate 3  The implementation of Gate 3 required very close collaboration between CER, TSO and DSO.  The following slides will endeavour to explain the steps, mechanisms and features involved NetworkMW Number of Connections Distribution1941127 Transmission205028

22 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Size of Gate 3 22

23 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 1: Eligibility criterion  Full consultation held with industry and stakeholders  Result: Date order of applications the clear preference from the wind industry  CER Direction issued to System Operators including MW size of the Gate  Implementation commences  Unified “queue” formed by combining separate SO queues  Cut-off criterion applied In Out

24 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 What next?  Now we know who is in and out!  To begin their studies, TSO need to know how much generation will present at their transmission nodes  In order to inform this, DSO would normally carry out full studies on the smaller applicants to determine which transmission node  To shorten timeframe as much as possible it was necessary to frontload the node assignments

25 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 2: Node Assignments  Banded rule-set devised based upon distance to nearest distribution primary sub-station  Clauses put in place to define “nearest”  Result: Transmission sub-groups formed Application Capacity Node Rule Less than 5 MWNearest 38 kV 5 MW – 10 MWNearest 38 kV or 110 kV 10 MW – 40 MWNearest 110 kV 40 MW – 177 MWNew 110 kV Greater than 177 MW New 220 kV or 400 kV Tx Node 1 Tx Node 2

26 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 DSO and TSO DSO TSO Gate 3 General TSO-DSO Process Node Assignment Establish Tx Firm Access Quantities Determine Distribution connection methods Report to TSO Tx SC and other studies Connection Agreement Issue DSO offers Issue Tx offers

27 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 ◦ Transmission System Operator calculates additional capacity available at each node for each future year. ◦ Available capacity allocated based on application date-order ◦ Each Gate 3 application will have a Scheduled Firm Access Quantity for each year from 2010 to 2025, taking account of grid reinforcements and other new generation ◦ Thus, transmission reinforcement based on approved development strategy leads the wind generation connections. Transmission Firm access quantities

28 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011  Takes account of: demand growth renewable generation to meet targets conventional generation development future DC interconnections with UK or Europe.  Will require ~ 1,150 km new transmission ~ 2,300 km upgrades Grid development strategy to 2025

29 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Project Planning  Country divided in to ”Areas” for transmission study purposes  Detailed offer issuance Project Plan agreed between TSO, DSO and CER.  Project Plan published

30 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Communications  Gate 3 Liaison Group meeting chaired by Regulator Attended by both SO ‘s and representatives of all industry stakeholders SO’s report on progress per workplan Other issues discussed as they emerge  Customer connection meetings Held once distribution connection methods signed off  TSO-DSO bi-lateral meetings Held bi-monthly or weekly

31 Questions ?

32 Frankfurt (Germany), 6-9 June 2011 Conclusions  The circumstances in Ireland lend themselves to the TSO- DSO-Regulator approach outlined above  Facilitates large quantities of Renewable Energy being processed in a structured manner  Transmission and Distribution systems developed in co- ordinated fashion  Certainty of offer issuance to those in the Gate  Rationalises the allocation of scarce capacity

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