Investigation & Arrest – BIG PICTURE CRIME Police are notified 911 POLICE investigate ensure public safety protect & preserve crime scene collect & identify.

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Presentation on theme: "Investigation & Arrest – BIG PICTURE CRIME Police are notified 911 POLICE investigate ensure public safety protect & preserve crime scene collect & identify."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigation & Arrest – BIG PICTURE CRIME Police are notified 911 POLICE investigate ensure public safety protect & preserve crime scene collect & identify evidence POLICE arrest arrest at scene OR arrest with warrant ACCUSED promise to appear recognizance bail

2 Starting a Police Investigation  Police arrive at the crime scene  help injured people  call for backup  search scene – ensure public safety  protect & preserve crime scene  center of crime scene = area where crime actually took place  perimeter of crime scene = area around the ‘center’ – where offender may have been and may have left evidence

3 Starting a Police Investigation (continued)  contamination = when physical evidence is lost, destroyed, or altered  Police log = written record of what officers have witnessed  officers’ roles at crime scene  patrol officer = first to arrive – secure crime scene  scenes of crime officer = experts in collecting evidence (fingerprints, photographs, etc.) – less serious crimes  criminal identification officer = experts in collecting & analyzing evidence for more serious crimes  criminal investigations bureau officer = specialist – supervises investigations, conducts interviews

4 Identifying & Collecting Physical Evidence  physical evidence  …is any object, impression, or body element that can be used to prove or disprove facts relating to an offence  forensic science  …is the use of biochemical and other scientific techniques to analyze evidence in a criminal investigation  tools

5  impressions  …are patterns or marks found on surfaces and caused by various objects  class characteristics …general attributes of an object  individual characteristics …specific and unique features of an object  fingerprint …the mark left behind after a fingertip touches an object visible fingerprint …coated with something – visible to the naked eye Identifying & Collecting Physical Evidence (continued)

6 latent fingerprint …formed by natural oils and perspiration – not visible to the naked eye  gloves  shoe prints & tire tracks  body elements & DNA  DNA testing  procedures for labeling evidence

7 Arrest & Detention  questioning the accused  interrogation techniques – 4 stage approach – ask suspect to describe… …the entire incident …the period before the offence took place …the details of the actual offence …the period following the offence  arrest & detention procedures  arrest …legally depriving someone of liberty by seizing or touching the person to indicate that he or she is in custody

8 Arrest & Detention (continued)  detention …legally depriving a person of liberty for the purpose of asking questions, with or without physical restraint  reasonable grounds …information that would lead a reasonable person to conclude that the suspect had committed a criminal offence  appearance notice appearance notice …a legal document, usually issued for less serious offences, compelling an accused person to appear in court bench warrant …an arrest warrant issued directly by the Judge when an accused person fails to appear in court

9 Arrest & Detention (continued)  arrest with a warrant summons …a legal document issued for an indictable offence, ordering an accused person to appear in court information …a statement given under oath, informing the Court of the details of the offence arrest warrant …a written court order, directing the arrest of the suspect  arrest without a warrant  citizen’s arrest …an arrest without a warrant by someone other than a peace officer

10 Arrest & Detention (continued)  searches  searching a person  searching a place search warrant …a court document that gives the police the right to search a specific location  procedures after arrest  photographs  fingerprints  lineup  etc.

11 Pretrial Release  pretrial release  promise to appear …signed agreement that an accused person will appear in court at the time of the trial  recognizance …guarantee that the accused will appear in court when required, under penalty of a fine of up to $500  surety …person who agrees to make a payment if the accused does not appear at trial

12 Pretrial Release (continued)  bail  bail …the temporary release of an accused who posts money or some other security  show-cause hearing …judicial hearing in which the Crown or the accused has to convince the Judge either to detain or release the accused before trial  habeas corpus  habeas corpus …court order designed to prevent unlawful arrest by ensuring that anyone detained is charged before a court within a reasonable amount of time

13 Final Thought

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