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CIT 500: IT Fundamentals Text Processing 1. Topics 1.Displaying files: cat, less, od, head, tail 2.Creating and appending 3.Concatenating files 4.Comparing.

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Presentation on theme: "CIT 500: IT Fundamentals Text Processing 1. Topics 1.Displaying files: cat, less, od, head, tail 2.Creating and appending 3.Concatenating files 4.Comparing."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIT 500: IT Fundamentals Text Processing 1

2 Topics 1.Displaying files: cat, less, od, head, tail 2.Creating and appending 3.Concatenating files 4.Comparing files 5.Printing files 6.Sorting files 7.Searching files and regular expressions 8.Sed and awk

3 Displaying Files 2.less 3.od 4.head 5.tail

4 Displaying files: cat cat [options] [file1 [file2 … ]] -e Displays $ at the end of each line. -n Print line numbers before each line. -t Displays tabs as ^I and formfeeds as ^L -v Display nonprintable characters, except for tab, newline, and formfeed. -vet Combines –v, -e, -t to display all nonprintable characters.

5 Displaying files: less less [file1 [file2 … ]] h Displays help. q Quit. space Forward one page. return Forward one line. b Back one page. y Back one line. :n Next file. :p Previous file. / Search file.

6 Displaying files: od od [options] [file1 [file2 … ]] -c Also display character values. -x Display numbers in hexadecimal. > file /kernel/genunix /kernel/genunix: ELF 32-bit MSB relocatable SPARC > od -c /kernel/genunix 0000000 177 E L F 001 002 001 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 0000020 \0 001 \0 002 \0 \0 \0 001 \0 004 246 230 \0 \0 \0 0000040 \0 033 ^ ` \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 4 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 0000060 \0 017 \0 \n 235 343 277 240 310 006 004 244 020

7 Displaying files: head and tail Display first/last 10 lines of file. head [-#] [file1 [file2 … ]] -# Display first # lines. tail [-#] [file1 [file2 … ]] -# Display last # lines. -f If data is appended to file, continue displaying new lines as they are added.

8 File Size Determining File Size – ls –l wc [options] file-list

9 CIT 140: Introduction to ITSlide #9 Word count: wc wc [options] target1 [target2, …] -cCount bytes in file only. -lCount lines in file only. -wCount words in file only.

10 Creating and Appending to Files Creating files > cat >file Hello world Ctrl-d Appending to files > cat >> file Hello world line 2 Ctrl-d > cat file Hello world Hello world line 2

11 Concatenating Files > cat >file1 This is file #1 > cat >file2 This is file #2 > cat file1 file2 >joinedfile > cat joinedfile This is file #1 This is file #2

12 Comparing files: diff diff [options] oldfile newfile -bIgnore trailing blanks and treat other strings of blanks as equivalent. -cOutput contextual diff format. -eOutput ed script for converting oldfile to newfile. -iIgnore case in letter comparisons. -uOutput unified diff format.

13 diff [options][file1][file2] Comparing Files with diff

14 diff Example > diff Fall_Hours Spring_Hours 1c1 < Hours for Fall 2004 --- > Hours for Spring 2005 6a7 > 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. 9d9 < 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. 12,13d11 < 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. < 4:00 - 4:30 p.m.

15 uniq [options][+N][input-file][output-file] > cat sample This is a test file for the uniq command. It contains some repeated and some nonrepeated lines. Some of the repeated lines are consecutive, like this. And, some are not consecutive, like the following. Some of the repeated lines are consecutive, like this. The above line, therefore, will not be considered a repeated line by the uniq command, but this will be considered repeated! > uniq sample This is a test file for the uniq command. It contains some repeated and some nonrepeated lines. Some of the repeated lines are consecutive, like this. And, some are not consecutive, like the following. Some of the repeated lines are consecutive, like this. The above line, therefore, will not be considered a repeated line by the uniq command, but this will be considered repeated! Removing Repeated Lines

16 uniq uniq [options] input [output file] -cPrecedes each output line with a count of the number of times the line occurred in the input. -dSuppresses the writing of lines that are not repeated in the input. -uSuppresses the writing of lines that are repeated in the input.

17 Removing Repeated Lines uniq [options][+N][input-file][output-file] > uniq -c sample 1 This is a test file for the uniq command. 1 It contains some repeated and some nonrepeated lines. 3 Some of the repeated lines are consecutive, like this. 1 And, some are not consecutive, like the following. 1 Some of the repeated lines are consecutive, like this. 1 The above line, therefore, will not be considered a repeated 2 line by the uniq command, but this will be considered repeated! > uniq -d sample Some of the repeated lines are consecutive, like this. line by the uniq command, but this will be considered repeated! > uniq -d sample out > cat out Some of the repeated lines are consecutive, like this. line by the uniq command, but this will be considered repeated!

18 Printing Files

19 lp [options] file-list lpr [options] file-list

20 lpq [options] Printing Files

21 Canceling Your Print Job cancel [options] [printer] Printing Files

22 Canceling Your Print Job (Contd) lprm [options][jobID-list][user(s)] Printing Files

23 Sorting Ordering set of items by some criteria. Systems in which sorting is used include: – Words in a dictionary. – Names of people in a telephone directory. – Numbers.

24 Sorting: sort sort [-f] [-i] [-k #] [-d] [-l] [-v] files -d Sort in dictionary order (default.) -f Ignore case of letters. -i Ignore non-printable characters. -k # Sort by field number # -n Sort in numerical order. -r Reverse order of sort -u Do not list duplicate lines in output.

25 sort Example > cat days.txt Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday > sort days.txt Friday Monday Saturday Sunday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday

26 sort Example > cat days.txt Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday > sort -r days.txt Wednesday Tuesday Thursday Sunday Saturday Monday Friday

27 sort Example > cat numbers.txt 101 5571 58 2001 9 > sort numbers.txt 101 2001 5571 58 9 > sort -n numbers.txt 9 58 101 2001 5571

28 Searching Files: grep grep [-i] [-l] [-n] [-v] pattern file1 [file2,...] Search for pattern in the file arguments. -iIgnore case of letters in files. -lPrint only the names of files that contain matches. -nPrint line numbers along with matching lines. -vPrint only nonmatching lines.

29 Simple Searches > grep catt /usr/share/dict/words cattail... wildcatting > grep -c catt /usr/share/dict/words 29 > grep –c –v catt /usr/share/dict/words 98540 > wc –l /usr/share/dict/words 98569 /usr/dict/words > grep –n catt /usr/share/dict/words 28762:cattail … 97276:wildcatting

30 Regular Expressions ^Beginning of line $End of line [a-z]Character range (all lower case) [aeiou]Character range (vowels).Any character *Zero or more of previous pattern {n}Repeat previous match n times {n,m}Repeat previous match n to m times a|bMatch a or b

31 Regular Expression Searches > egrep ^dogg /usr/share/dict/words dogged … doggy’s > egrep dogg$ /usr/share/dict/words > egrep mann$ /usr/share/dict/words Bertelsmann … Weizmann > egrep ^mann /usr/share/dict/words manna … mannishness's

32 Regular Expression Searches > egrep 'catt|dogg' /usr/share/dict/words boondoggle boondoggled... wildcatting > egrep 'catt|dogg' /usr/share/dict/words | wc –l 54 > egrep '^(catt|dogg)‘ /usr/share/dict/words cattail … doggy’s

33 Character classes > egrep [0-9] /usr/share/dict/words > egrep –c ^xz /usr/share/dict/words 0 > egrep -c ^[xz] /usr/share/dict/words 153 > egrep -c [xz]$ /usr/share/dict/words 321 > egrep -c [aeiou][aeiou][aeiou][aeiou] /usr/dict/words 36 > egrep [aeiou][aeiou][aeiou][aeiou][aeiou] /usr/share/dict/words queueing > egrep [aeiou]{5} /usr/share/dict/words queueing > egrep -c :[0-9][0-9]: /etc/passwd 9 > egrep -c ':[0-9]{2,3}:' /etc/passwd 18

34 Extracting Fields: cut cut [-f #] [-d delim] file Select sections from each line of file. -f #Select field #. -d delimUse delim instead of tab to separate fields. -b #Select specified bytes instead of fields.

35 Cut Examples > cut -d: -f 1 /etc/passwd | head -5 root daemon bin sys sync > cut -d: -f 1,3 /etc/passwd | head -5 root:0 daemon:1 bin:2 sys:3 sync:4 > cut -d: -f 1,3-5,7 /etc/passwd | head -5 root:0:0:root:/bin/bash daemon:1:1:daemon:/bin/sh bin:2:2:bin:/bin/sh sys:3:3:sys:/bin/sh sync:4:65534:sync:/bin/sync

36 Cut Examples > cut -c1-4 /etc/passwd | head -5 root daem bin: sys: sync > cut -d: -f7 /etc/passwd | cut -c1-4 | head -5 /bin > cut -d: -f7 /etc/passwd | cut –c6-20 | head -5 bash sh sync

37 Searching + Extracting: awk 37 awk [-F delim] ‘/pattern/ {action}’ Execute awk program on each line of file. -F delimUse delim to separate fields Patterns are regular expressions. Actions are extremely powerful, as awk is a simple programming language, but we’ll just use print $#, where # is the field we want to print.

38 Awk Examples > awk -F: '{print $1}' /etc/passwd|head -5 root daemon bin sys sync > awk -F: '{print $1, $3}' /etc/passwd|head -5 root 0 daemon 1 bin 2 sys 3 sync 4 > awk -F: '/root/ {print $1, $3}' /etc/passwd root 0 > awk -F: '/bin\/false/ {print $1, $3}' /etc/passwd dhcp 101 syslog 102 klog 103

39 Stream Editor: sed 39 sed [-n] ‘/pattern/action’ files sed [-n] ‘[line1,line2]s/pat1/pat2/options’ files Filter and modify (if specified) each line of file. -n Do not print lines unless action specifies printing. Patterns are regular expressions. Actions: p = print matching lines, d = delete matching lines s = replace pattern1 with pattern2

40 Using Sed like Grep > sed -n '/catt/p' /usr/share/dict/words cattail … wildcatting > sed -n '/catt/p' /usr/share/dict/words | wc -l 29 > sed '/catt/d' /usr/share/dict/words | wc -l 98540 > sed -n '/^dogg/p' /usr/share/dict/words dogged … doggy’s > sed -n '/dogg$/p' /usr/share/dict/words > sed -n '/mann$/p' /usr/share/dict/words Bertelsmann … Weizmann

41 Sed Examples > cat phones.txt Our phone bill for last year was $859,800,513.57. This is our list of phone numbers: 859-572-7568 859-572-7721 859-572-7568 859-572-5468 859-572-6930 859-572-5334 859-572-5320 859-572-5659 859-572-7568 859-572-7739 859-572-0000 859-572-6544 859-572-6346 859-572-5330 859-572-7551 859-572-5571 859-572-7786 859-572-1453 859-572-6025 859-572-5333

42 Sed Substitutions > sed 's/859/(513)/' phones.txt | head -5 Our phone bill for last year was $(513),800,513.57. This is our list of phone numbers: (513)-572-7568 (513)-572-7721 (513)-572-7568 > sed 's/859-/(513)-/' phones.txt | head -5 Our phone bill for last year was $859,800,513.57. This is our list of phone numbers: (513)-572-7568 (513)-572-7721 (513)-572-7568 > sed '3,99s/859/(513)/' phones.txt | head -5 Our phone bill for last year was $859,800,513.57. This is our list of phone numbers: (513)-572-7568 (513)-572-7721 (513)-572-7568

43 Sed Substitutions > sed 's/[0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]*/Number Redacted/' phones.txt | head -5 Our phone bill for last year was $859,800,513.57. This is our list of phone numbers: Number Redacted > sed 's/\([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]*\)/Phone number is \1/' phones.txt | head -5 Our phone bill for last year was $859,800,513.57. This is our list of phone numbers: Phone number is 859-572-7568 Phone number is 859-572-7721 Phone number is 859-572-7568 > sed 's/\([0-9]*\)-\([0-9]*\)-\([0-9]*\)/(\1) \2-\3/' phones.txt | head -5 Our phone bill for last year was $859,800,513.57. This is our list of phone numbers: (859) 572-7568 (859) 572-7721 (859) 572-7568

44 Sed and Awk Applications Sed Double space a file. DOS to UNIX line endings. Trim leading spaces. Delete consecutive blank lines. Remove blanks from begin/end of file. Awk Manage small file db. Generate reports. Validate data. Produce indexes. Extract fields from UNIX command output. 44

45 Sed and Awk vs. Ruby and Others Sed and Awk – Small languages – Cryptic syntax – Best for writing one liners in the shell Ruby, Python, Perl, etc. – Large languages – Easy syntax – Best for writing longer programs 45

46 References 1.Syed Mansoor Sarwar, Robert Koretsky, Syed Ageel Sarwar, UNIX: The Textbook, 2 nd edition, Addison-Wesley, 2004. 2.Nicholas Wells, The Complete Guide to Linux System Administration, Thomson Course Technology, 2005. 46

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