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Eating in GuangXi 食在广西. If you come to GuangXi,you mustn't miss the various kinds of snacks. Now, let's enjoy a delicious " visual feast" !

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Presentation on theme: "Eating in GuangXi 食在广西. If you come to GuangXi,you mustn't miss the various kinds of snacks. Now, let's enjoy a delicious " visual feast" !"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eating in GuangXi 食在广西


3 If you come to GuangXi,you mustn't miss the various kinds of snacks. Now, let's enjoy a delicious " visual feast" !

4 酸辣粉(老友粉) Hot and Sour Rice Noodles

5 There is a old story about the old friends noddles. In 1930s, an old man who visit a tea house weekly catched a cold,the host of the tea house ZHOU was the good friend of the old man and he was very concerned about the old man. ZHOU cooked noddles with garlic, chili,beef and fermented soya beans , after eating the noddles the old man magically recovered and felt very grateful for Zhou.Hence he named the noddles "OLD FRIENDS NODDLES".

6 Sour food “Suan Ye” 酸野 Take local seasonal fruit and vegetables like papaw, carrot, cucumber, lotus root, broccoli and pineapple; mix and pickle them with vinegar, pepper and whit sugar. It tastes sour, savory, spicy and hot, which is really an appetizer.

7 Glutinous Rice Dumpling “Nuo Mi Jiao” 糯米饺 Mix soaked superior glutinous rice with other ingredients; envelop them with clean, bamboo leaves; and stew them,. There are many types of delicious glutinous rice dumplings including bean, chestnut or lotus seed glutinous rice dumplings.

8 Rolled Rice Noodles “Juan Tong Fen” 卷筒粉 Put Rice milk in a tray and spread it into a thin pancake; scatter some ground meat and put fistular onion on it; roll the braised pancake and mix with soy sauce and sesame oil. The work is done. It tastes tender, smooth and delicious

9 Ginger Milk 姜撞奶 The coagulant milk with ginger juice is a famous traditional dessert with fresh milk and ginger as main raw material. 姜撞奶是以新鲜牛奶和鲜榨姜汁为主要原 料而制成的一种传统名优小吃。

10 Cantonese sponge cake 马拉糕 It looks like a sponge cake and smells as eggs. It is very delicious.

11 Spiral lions powder 螺狮粉

12 Spiral lions powder is the most popular snack in Liuzhou, unique flavor and it taste hot and fresh.

13 It has a variety of ingredients such as beef,chicken, pork,shrimp or vegetable. 肠粉 streamed vermicelli roll

14 It is the most famous dim sum in the Cantonese morning tea. Nearly everyone will order it. 这是早茶中最出名的一道菜,几乎每一桌都有它 的一席之地。 凤爪 Chicken feet

15 及第粥 Commissioner It is one of the most famous in all kinds of porridge. You can find bean curd stick ginkgo in it. It tastes fresh and delicious. 及第粥:粥类以及第粥 最为出名,粥底有腐竹 白果大地鱼等,粥色白 鲜明,米水交融,味鲜 香厚。

16 COOL TEA 凉茶 The climate in Guangxi is hot and humid, and so people like to drink beverages the relieve the heat and keep the body cool. Ana so thing like cool tea is very popular in Guangxi.Though cool tea is somewhat bitter, Guangxi people enjoy it as a daily drink.

17 干蒸烧卖 Shao Mai The outer layer is soft,made with wheat flour. The center is usually garnished with an orange dot, made of roe. 烧卖的外层是柔软的小麦 面皮,中央开口处点缀一 些金黄色的鱼子酱 。

18 沙律海鲜卷 Seafood Roll with Mayonnaise 菠萝包 Pineapple bun 芝士焗蕃薯 Cheese Baked potatoes 酥皮鲜奶 Crispy yogurt

19 炒米糖 candied rice puff 冰泉豆浆 Ice springs soya-bean milk

20 芋头糕 Yam Rice Cake 云片糕 white square rice cake

21 玉林肉蛋 玉林牛丸 Beef ball

22 肉粽 Zongzi 豆蓉糯米饭 bean paste rice

23 Thank you!

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