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FAMILY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FY 2010-11 Budget Worksession July 21, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "FAMILY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FY 2010-11 Budget Worksession July 21, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAMILY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FY 2010-11 Budget Worksession July 21, 2010

2 Organization Chart Proposed FY 2010-11 Budget Accomplishments Budget Challenges Summary Presentation Outline

3 Organization Chart Proposed FY 2010-11 Budget Accomplishments Budget Challenges Summary Presentation Outline

4 Organization Chart Department Director Lonnie C. Bell, Jr. Cooperative Extension Richard Tyson Citizens’ Commission for Children Tyra Witsell Regional History Center Sara Van Arsdel Youth & Family Services Syd McCallister Office on Aging Mimi Reggentin Mental Health & Homeless Issues Donna Wyche Office on Disability Samme Ripley Fiscal and Human Resources Yolanda Brown Community Action Karl Anderson Head Start Jacquelyn Stewart FAMILY SERVICES DEPARTMENT

5 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Organization Chart Proposed FY 2010-11 Budget Accomplishments Budget Challenges Summary Presentation Outline

6 Proposed FY 2010-11 Budget Budget by Funding Sources 52% $81.5 Million

7 Adopted FY 10$ Change Proposed FY 11 Total Budget$83.9M(2.4)$81.5M Staffing (includes grants) 679(18)661 Proposed FY 2010-11 Budget

8 Adopted FY 10$ Change Proposed FY 11 Personal Services$17.1M0.4$17.5M Operating Budget19.5M0.019.5M Other2.2M0.32.5M Budget Change2% Staffing38212394 Grants & Special Funds Proposed FY 2010-11 Budget

9 Current FY 10$ Change Proposed FY 11 Personal Services$15.6M(0.8)$14.8M Operating Budget29.7M(2.4)27.3M Budget Change(7.2%) Staffing287(20)267 General Fund Only Proposed FY 2010-11 Budget

10 Position Cuts – 8 Department Office(1) Cooperative Ext.(2) Community Action(3) Youth & Family(2) Position Transfers – 12 12 Positions transferred from General Fund to Grants General Fund Only Proposed FY 2010-11 Budget

11 Current FY 10$ Change Proposed FY 11 Capital Improvement Projects $0.7M(0.7)$0.0M Budget Change(100%) Proposed FY 2010-11 Budget

12 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Organization Chart Proposed FY 2010-11 Budget Accomplishments Budget Challenges Summary Presentation Outline

13 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Regional History Center served nearly 40,000 school children from the Central Florida area Regional History Center received 107,000 visitors Youth and Family received the Florida Top Performer Award for the Youth Shelter from the Florida Network Accomplishments

14 Cooperative Extension received a $300,000 annual grant from the USDA to conduct nutrition education focusing on children of low income families 375 citizens volunteered 22,700 hours of service at Cooperative Extension at a value of $386,000 PRESENTATION OUTLINEAccomplishments

15 Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) –County received $4.7M to assist low income families with utility bills - a 400% increase from prior year –Assisted almost 13,000 households with their utility costs at no additional cost to the County –County received an additional $4.2M in April PRESENTATION OUTLINEAccomplishments

16 After School Zone served 8,400 participants the first semester of school Neighborhood Center for Families (NCFs) served 9,400 clients PRESENTATION OUTLINEAccomplishments

17 Head Start provided comprehensive services for 1,536 children and families 487 Head Start parents have sought higher educational services Head Start was successful in receiving inkind donations of goods and services valuing $1.1M PRESENTATION OUTLINEAccomplishments

18 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Community Action received 15,200 volunteer hours at a value of $114,000 Central Receiving Center screened 3,900 clients, which saved 10,700 jail bed days and 2,100 emergency room beds Accomplishments

19 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Office on Disability created six – 1 minute spotlights on disability with Orange TV Office on Aging partnered with WFTV and Orange County Library System for 10 monthly seminars for caregivers with 421 people in attendance Accomplishments

20 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Organization Chart Proposed FY 2010-11 Budget Accomplishments Budget Challenges Summary Presentation Outline

21 Family Services Department General Fund Budget Challenges $3M

22 $42Million Budget Challenges

23 Demands are increasing State and Federal appropriations are uncertain State mandates are not decreasing Budget Challenges

24 Mandated Costs are $8.4M 20% Budget Challenges

25 Mandated Costs are $8.4M –Dept. of Juvenile Justice - $8.0M Counties are charged a per-diem rate for each pre-disposition day a juvenile is in secure detention –Child Protection Exams - $180,000 Exams for suspected child abuse –Burial Program - $169,000 Indigent burials Budget Challenges

26 Youth & Family Services General Fund $19M GOV Crisis/FRP Veterans DJJ Budget Challenges

27 Youth & Family Services Great Oaks Village Residential Foster Care Group Home Independent Living Program Educational Services Budget Challenges

28 Youth & Family Services Crisis and Long Term Family Assistance Crisis Assistance Program Short term assistance providing one time payment to prevent homelessness Family Resource Program Case Management and temporary financial support for long term self- sufficiency Budget Challenges

29 Crisis and Long Term Assistance Fiscal Year Budget Challenges

30 Crisis and Long Term Assistance Fiscal Year Budget Challenges

31 Crisis and Long Term Assistance Fiscal Year Budget Challenges

32 Citizens’ Commission for Children General Fund $9M Neighborhood Centers for Families After School Zone Contract Oversight Budget Challenges

33 Neighborhood Center for Families (Core Services) –Health Services –Family Support –Educational Enhancement –Child Care Citizens’ Commission for Children Budget Challenges

34 Citizens’ Commission for Children $ Millions Budget Challenges

35 Citizens’ Commission for Children Fiscal Year NCF Clients Served Budget Challenges

36 After School Zone Started in 1999 to respond to increase in juvenile crime and violence Orange County funds 26 middle schools Citizens’ Commission for Children Budget Challenges

37 Mental Health and Homeless General Fund $6M Central Receiving System of Care Homeless Services Budget Challenges

38 Central Receiving Center System of Care Jail Diversion Baker Act Marchman Act Phase II Mental Health and Homeless Budget Challenges

39 Mental Health and Homeless Budget Challenges

40 Programs Affected Children’s Crisis Stabilization Unit Methadone for Indigents Mental Health and Homeless Budget Challenges

41 Realignment of Resources –Neighborhood Center for Families –Community Centers Budget Challenges

42 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Organization Chart Proposed FY 2010-11 Budget Accomplishments Budget Challenges Summary Presentation Outline

43 Summary Demands for Family Services programs will continue to increase Funding does not match demand Divisions have been aggressive in their reductions Maintaining core services is near breaking point

44 FAMILY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FY 2010-11 Budget Worksession July 21, 2010

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