CC MATH 8 Ms. Kwon Rm. 52 School Phone number: 818-832-6900.

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Presentation on theme: "CC MATH 8 Ms. Kwon Rm. 52 School Phone number: 818-832-6900."— Presentation transcript:

1 CC MATH 8 Ms. Kwon Rm. 52 School Phone number: 818-832-6900

2 What will we learn this year? Modules (chapters): 1 - 12 Different styles in class: – Group work – Students explaining and writing their thinking processes – Error analysis

3 Everyday in Ms. Kwon’s class 1.Follow the directions on the board (PPT slide) 1.Only 3 minutes with the slide 2.Go over warm-ups/ making corrections 3.Homework corrections 4.Lesson; class notes or activities * REQUIRED materials are very important for this activity* 5.Exit slips (Maximum twice a week)

4 CC MATH 8 8/27/14; Wednesday 1.Copy down the homework in your planner 1. Pg 18 and pg 19 # 1-22 ALL (DUE tomorrow) 2.Have the following materials on your desk 1) Pencil and Eraser 2) Red ink pen and a highlighter 3) Binder and College ruled loose leaf paper 3.Follow the directions on the LEFT hand side of the board INDIVIDUALLY

5 REQUIRED materials Materials: The following need to be in class EVERY DAY 1) 1” binder with dividers and college ruled blank paper Dividers should have – 1. CN 2. Warm-ups 3.Exams 2) School Planner (Hallway passport) 4) At least 1 Pencil with 1 eraser 5) 1 Blue OR Red pen 6) Highlighters 7) OPTIONAL: 3 ring hole punch, mini stapler

6  60% Assessments (Tests & Quizzes)  15% Class work  Group quiz  Exit slips  10% Projects  15% Module Check  90-100% A  80-89% B  68-79% C  60-67.9% D  59%-Below F Grades

7 Quiz/Test reflection log -Only for the students who received D or F on the exam -Cannot be used on homework quizzes and pop- quizzes -No parent’s signature = no credit -No explanation (error analysis) = no credit

8 NO LATE WORK policy -Students are allowed two late voucher per semester. -Assignments cannot be late more than one day -Can be found on the back of their syllabus

9 RESOURCE: Ms. Kwon’s Website Homework assignments Descriptions of the special homework assignments (projects) Office hours (tutoring hours) Class notes – Answer keys to the assignments * Subscribe*

10 To be announced … Tutoring hours – Morning (7:00 AM to 7:45 AM) – Lunch – After school (3:00 PM to 4:00 PM)

11 Important dates Frost middle school calendar

12 THANK YOU for coming

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