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A Manager’s Insights – the Hidden Resource Observe, reflect, predict everything around what you know about your team.

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Presentation on theme: "A Manager’s Insights – the Hidden Resource Observe, reflect, predict everything around what you know about your team."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Manager’s Insights – the Hidden Resource Observe, reflect, predict everything around what you know about your team.

2 Insight...a Core Competency for Successful Delegation The Moment of Insight There is that moment of reflection used by most successful managers before putting the specific details and assignment's into a final plan. I call it the “Moment of Insight” and it is ever so important.

3 Management Insight The goals and objectives and timetables at hand. The tools, equipment and resources needed as well as available. Knowledge of each person on the manager’s team Inter-personal attributes that reflect teamwork enhancers This insight is based on factors that every manager has available: Experience with both the subject matter and the people on the team.

4 The Dynamic Process to use Insights 1.Write down the goals & objectives of the project 2.List all the people to be involved in the Project (both inside and outside the unit) 3.Layout the timetable including; due date, milestones and status report dates. 4.Make note of any possible obstacles that could get in the way of execution

5 Answer These Key Questions What skill(s) or specific knowledge does this person bring? What motivates each person? How is this person viewed by the others on the team? What unique added value could each bring to the project? What issues might you encounter with each, if any?

6 What do Your Insights conclude? Now using a sheet of paper, answer the following: From the answers to each question for each member of the team, what are the five most important insights that you need to take into account when finalizing the Project Plan and how you will manage it?

7 Obstacles & Interdependencies Obstacles. Every important project or assignment involving a team will run into obstacles and roadblocks long the way. You can't know everything but what do Your Insights tell you might occur? Interdependencies. Thinking about the specific action steps and time lines for your project...What Are Your Insights?

8 Establish Milestones Milestones. Most projects will be better executed and delivered on schedule if you will identify one or more "Milestones”. A Milestone is a specific point along the project timeline that represents a key point of accomplishment and opens the way for the next steps to move forward,

9 Use Your Insights You have at hand the project intelligence that the most successful managers apply to developing and executing team assignments. Integrate all your conclusions into your final detailed Plan of Action. You will be amazed, rewarded and evolve to an Insightful manager who trusts his or her instincts and insights and build a reputation for really getting things done through others.

10 Management By Delegation More resources To see the complete article on Insight...a Core Competency for Successful Delegation Go to: core-competency-for-successful-delegation/ More resources To see the complete article on Insight...a Core Competency for Successful Delegation Go to: core-competency-for-successful-delegation/

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