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Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 20031 An e-Infrastructure in Europe: a strategy and policy driven approach for a policy eIRG A pink.

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2 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 20031 An e-Infrastructure in Europe: a strategy and policy driven approach for a policy eIRG A pink paper contribution

3 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 20032 Requirements for a policy approach (1/4) Cooperation between networks and services layers, organisation-wise Cooperation at the technical and operational level: a GRID service may require non- standard network resources in a completely automated manner

4 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 20033 Requirements for a policy approach (2/4) Network infrastructures are expected to be informative, but reactive and adaptive as well GRIDs infrastructure may not expect using non existing network resources There are a huge potential for sharing resources between GRIDs and networks (NOC, monitoring tools) to avoid useless duplication

5 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 20034 Requirements for a policy approach (3/4) Need to implement a user oriented approach for the presentation of services: Most users do not need GRID services, while they need network services. European integration will not occur without the full implementation of end-to-end services eInfrastructure must be also a vector to prevent/fight the digital divide

6 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 20035 Requirements for a policy approach (4/4) Require to articulate the network and GRID initiatives/projects with the national and European science programmes and policies In particular, there is no global resource allocation policy, able to combine peer review, funding constraints, national policies etc… Global discussion, political support etc…

7 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 20036 Rationale for a policy approach E-Infrastructure is neither just networks, nor GRIDs, nor services: It is all! Avoid duplication between projects Share information about available resources, best practices, service architecture, access, etc. Standardisation of service interfaces for users Based on long term strategy or vision (longer that the project timescales)

8 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 20037 Proposal for a policy approach (1/4) Have a policy body (eIRG) above all e- Infrastructure components, who will –Collect all information from components (charters, best practices, AUPs, etc…) –Make them widely available to relevant bodies (projects, funding authorities, other policy groups, etc…) –Make synthesis of Best Practices, Users surveys, questionnaires, recommendations, etc.

9 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 20038 Proposal for a policy approach (2/4) Policy information will be targeted for: –New projects preparation –Basis for research organisation or user groups willing to progress towards “gridification” of their existing applications –Support and guidance for the action of funding authorities (national or multi-lateral or European actions)

10 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 20039 Proposal for a policy approach (3/4) Feed-back will be required also from projects, users, funding bodies to input to eIRG for subsequent progress and adaption The eIRG will need some practical support and official appointment (MS appointed representatives or main projects directors: likely to be same individuals, but with different mandate/legitimity). To report to ESFRI (follow-on action of the HPCN WG) To concert with the NRENPC

11 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 200310 eIRG eInfrastructure Reflection Group User communitiesUsers Projects VO Best practices Charters, AUPs, Recommendations Questionnaires Articulation with national and International initiatives ESFRI concertation National + EC representatives NRENPC

12 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 200311 Proposal for a policy approach (4/4) But: R&E in Europe is in the range of 3 500 institutions: The eIRG must reflect this, and not represent only a few projects Maintain a priority channel with ESFRI and with the NRENPC! eIRG objectives must be neither GRID, nor networks. It must be science advancement, better technology, more efficient education, cultural heritage etc…

13 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 200312 END OF PRESENTATION! ? Questions

14 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 200313 eIRG eInfrastructure Reflection Group Representatives of EC and Member States (typically NREN and Grid Programme Directors) Funding authorities can incorporate recommendation of the eIRG in e.g. the new WorkProgrammes, favouring therefore the further development or adoption of relevant policies Projects support the eIRG by proposing the adoption of best practices and policies Projects adopt best practices and policies on sharing of resources generated by the eIRG EU Research Infrastructure projects (GEANT/Grids) National/ International Infrastructure Projects EU supported Programme s National Programme s ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures WG on HPN&C …. Reccome ndations Question naires Position papers Best practices, charters, policies Documents from the eIRG can be channeled to the ESFRI through the WG on High Performance Networking and Computing Institutions intending to “gridify” their resources adopt best practices and policies Supported by a Editorial board (EGEE, DEISA, GEANT,… ) Initial proposal from EC DG-INFSO

15 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 200314 Consensus elements There is a need for a policy body to work on issues not considered today by other bodies, like the ESFRI. The initial consideration of the eIRG may focus on GRID issues, but there is a strong wish of all members to target wider communities A strong cooperation is expected between the eIRG and the other complementary policy bodies, like the ESFRI HPCN WG and the NRENPC If the eIRG has an advisory role, it must be clearly stated, who is going to be advised!

16 Towards the definition of an eIRGRoma, 10 December 200315 Consensus elements Security issues are important: AAA (or AA) requires a significant impetus to ease the European integration, but other aspects of eInfrastructure security cannot be handled without the on-going activity at the NREN level (CERT Coordination). Set-up a clear definition of AUP for eInfrastructure services The Group may be chaired by a rotating scheme (1 chair and 2 vice-chairs), who will supervise the support team.

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