Decisions With Risk Learning Targets: *Making decisions with risks *Weigh outcomes of different decisions with risk *Comparing Healthy vs. Unhealthy Risks.

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Presentation on theme: "Decisions With Risk Learning Targets: *Making decisions with risks *Weigh outcomes of different decisions with risk *Comparing Healthy vs. Unhealthy Risks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decisions With Risk Learning Targets: *Making decisions with risks *Weigh outcomes of different decisions with risk *Comparing Healthy vs. Unhealthy Risks

2 Vocabulary Accountability: responsible, taking responsibility of your own actions Behavior: How one conducts oneself; demeanor Consequences: the result of one’s actions Risky: Dangerous; unpredictable; unsafe

3 HEALTHY VS. UNHEALTHY RISKS Healthy risks are those that get your adrenalin pumping and fulfill your risky nature, but do not put your life or body in immediate danger. Unhealthy risks, although maybe not doing this activity once but repeatedly and in mix of other unhealthy risks, can cause immediate danger to your body or life….possibly death.

4 Journal Question Topic: Risks Date: 10/11/12 With a partner… in the next 2 minutes, make a list of what I ask you to as fast as you can. Winner with the most examples might just win a prize! *List all the risks you can think of that are unhealthy risks to take in life. *List all the healthy risks you can think of to take in life.

5 What kinds of risks are unhealthy? Unhealthy risk-taking behavior can include: -driving too fast -texting or talking on the phone while driving -engaging in unsafe sexual practices -smoking and drinking alcohol to excess. ***Taken in a cluster, these behaviors could be life-threatening***

6 What are some examples of healthy risk-taking activities? -Sports and developing artistic and creative abilities are all activities that involve healthy levels of risk- taking. -It can be as simple — and as scary — as getting up on stage, or asking somebody out -Moving to a different state or country -Setting a new fashion trend and daring to be different! -Pregnancy ***All these behaviors may satisfy a need to push boundaries, but are usually in an environment where there's very little harm that could result.***

7 Choose Your Own Adventure Activity! This activity will help you realize that the decisions we make can immediately affect us and others around us. Some decisions are more risky than others, but in either case you can never know for sure what the outcome will be exactly.

8 Risk Scenario Worksheet Take 10 minutes and fill out your scenario worksheet. Read each scenario and then “weigh” the positive and negative risks of them. After weighing the outcomes, circle YES if you would take the risk, or NO if you would not.

9 Social Party Instead of setting up the lines to share like we did with speed dating, this time I will ask you to find someone from across the room and share your ideas for case scenario #1. You will then walk around and “socialize” like your at a party and find a new partner to talk to about case #2 and so on…

10 Case Scenario #1 You are a parent of Siamese twins; the two of them are conjoined at the head. They can survive if they stay attached but there will most likely be many medical issues to arise as they get older. On top of that, the kids will never be able to walk because of being joined at the head. There is a very risky surgery you can do that can separate the twins. They have a low chance of survival but if they do, they will be given a nearly normal lifestyle.

11 Case Scenario #2 You are a CEO of a major company. You have a huge decision to make regarding money management. You can take a risk and invest in a smaller business, but if it goes south you will lose a huge amount of money and you will have to fire people from their jobs. If the investment thrives you will make money and your business will boom. This investment will also be good advertisement for your company. You even have an opportunity to give bonuses to some the staff directly. This is not an investment you have to take, you just can’t decide if it will benefit you or hurt you more in the long run.

12 You are hired at a business in your college town that does not allow you to have a Facebook for reasons they have specified for the best interest of their company. The company tells you this before you accept the job and you agree and sign off to the rule because you like the job and you need the money. However, you really want to keep your Facebook because it connects you to long distance family and friends, and let’s face it, you’re in college and want to stay current with other friends. The company tells you that they have the ability to search for you and scan Facebook accounts randomly. You are not sure if they actually do this or if it is just a threat. Do you take the risk and keep your Facebook in hopes that you don’t get caught? Case Scenario #3

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