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2.1.  I can compare and contrast living and non- living things  I can explain the current classification system of 3 domains and 6 kingdoms  I can.

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Presentation on theme: "2.1.  I can compare and contrast living and non- living things  I can explain the current classification system of 3 domains and 6 kingdoms  I can."— Presentation transcript:

1 2.1

2  I can compare and contrast living and non- living things  I can explain the current classification system of 3 domains and 6 kingdoms  I can describe the similarities and differences between living things in different kingdoms

3 Living Things 1.Made of cells 2.Carry out basic life activities 3.Grouped into Kingdoms Plant Fungi Protist Archea Bacteria Animal Eubacteria

4  A property is a quality that describes an object  Properties can describe how an object looks or feels  Properties can also describe how an object acts  We observe properties (sight, touch, smell, taste)  Examples: A property of a rock is its hardness A property of a person is their eye color

5  Properties:  Color  Texture  Mass  Density  Shape  Size (height/weight)  Metallic Luster  Malleable  Smell  Taste

6  Carry out basic life activities  Can move  Grow, develop, and reproduce  Called organisms  Do not carry out basic life activities  Do not move by themselves  Do not develop, grow or reproduce  Not made of cells

7  An organism is any living thing that can carry out basic life activities  A complete, individual living thing

8  Organisms:  _______________________________

9  What are the 7 basic life activities?  1. Growth  2. Development  3. Getting food  4. Using food and removing wastes  5. Reproduction  6. Sensing and Responding  7. Movement

10  Property  Organism  Read pages 31-33  Self Check Questions pg. 33 #1-5  USE COMPLETE SENTENCES

11 2.2

12  Living things are more like one another than they are like non-living things  Example: They all carry out basic life activities  However, living things are also very different from one another  Example: A cat is different from a dog

13  All living things are divided into a classification system:  Kingdom (King)  Phylum (Philip)  Class (Claimed)  Order (Only)  Family (Five)  Genus (Gold)  Species (Shoes)

14  Taxonomy means classification  All living things stem from a common ancestor  Carl Linnaeus developed an organization system in 1758  His system only had two kingdoms: Plant and Animal  This system stayed unchanged until the 1960’s

15  In 1969, Thomas Whittaker proposed a 5 kingdom system  He added Fungus, Protist and Monera to the existing kingdoms Plant and Animal  Whittaker defined the kingdoms on the basis of if they possessed a true nucleus (eukaryotic)  Monera do not possess a true nucleus (prokaryotic)  The other 4 kingdoms are eukaryotic

16  New evidence supports that the 5 kingdom system is not correct  As more and more unicellular organisms are being discovered, these organisms also appear to be prokaryotic (no true nucleus)  These organisms did not fit into the Monera kingdom at all  In the 1980’s, Carl Woese proposed a radical reorganization of the 5 kingdoms into 3 domains

17  Carl Woese’s design has been increasingly accepted by biologists over the years  It is now the standard theory  In his system, Woese placed all 4 eukaryotic kingdoms into one, single domain called Eukarya  Then, he split the Monera Kingdom into 2 Domains: Eubacteria (bacteria) and Archaea (archaebacteria)  He also placed most of the “unusual” prokaryotes (no true nucleus) in Archaea

18  The plant and animal kingdoms were demoted as individual kingdoms  They are now within a domain  This is consistent with recent discoveries of more diversity among microbes  Woese’s 3 Domain system organizes biodiversity by evolutionary relationships rather than properties

19  New Classification Chart

20  Kingdom Cilia  Algae Decompose  Microorganism Flagella  Protist Eukaryotic  Protozoan Pseudopod  Taxonomy Prokaryotic  Read pages 36-39  Self Check Questions pg. 39 #1-5  USE COMPLETE SENTENCES

21  You and a partner will be assigned one of the Domains/Kingdoms to investigate  You will create a poster outlining your Domain/Kingdom and present to the class  Your poster will include background information, vocabulary associated, example organisms, recent findings, pictures, etc.  Your poster must be colorful and creative  You and your partner MUST WORK TOGETHER

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