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Ms. Conrad December 6, 2013. Cats Electricity Energy Basil Plants.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Conrad December 6, 2013. Cats Electricity Energy Basil Plants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Conrad December 6, 2013

2 Cats Electricity Energy Basil Plants

3 Does air temperature affect how high a basil plant grows?

4 Research I found information in books and online. Interesting facts: Basil is a leafy, fragrant annual with a bushy appearance. Basil is easy to grow and works well in Italian dishes, but it only grows in the summer, so plan accordingly.

5 Hypothesis Basil plants will grow taller when the air temperature is higher.

6 Variables Manipulated Variable: the air temperature Responding Variable: the height of each plant Control Group: basil plants growing inside with a constant temperature of 68 degrees Experimental Groups: basil plants growing outside and basil plants growing in the garage with a heater beside them.

7 Materials 6 basil plants that are the same size and height 3 thermometers Measuring cup for watering Heater

8 1. Measure plants and record height. 2. Determine each growing area: garage with heater always on, room in house, outside on patio. Plants will get the same number of hours of light. 3. Put 2 plants in each growing area with a thermometer. Record temperatures daily at the same time. 4. Water plants every 5 days with ½ cup water each so they get the same amount of water. 5. Measure height of each plant weekly and record. 6. At the end of 1 month, determine in which temperature environment basil plants grew the tallest.

9 Records EnvironmentTempStarting Height Week 1 Height Week 2 Height Week 3 Height Week 4 Height Inside Plants # 1 & #2 Outside Plants #3 & #4 Garage Plants #5 & #6

10 Real World Application It is good to know the best temperature to grow taller basil plants so you can grow more basil! This is helpful for farmers. If they know what temperature is best for growing taller basil plants, then they will know when to plant basil to make a bigger profit.

11 Grading Rubric 50 points - 10 slides with required information (as demonstrated in this PowerPoint) 10 points - Correct spelling/capitalization/punctuation 25 points - Classroom Presentation (speaking clearly, confidently, showing PowerPoint with ease) 15 points - Use of Technology (adding extras to slides) Due no later than December 19; will begin classroom presentations on Monday, December 16 as students are ready. Presentations will be posted to my website with names removed.

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