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NRIC-VI Focus Group 1D: Homeland Security - Disaster Recovery/Mutual Aid J. Tumolo September 13, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "NRIC-VI Focus Group 1D: Homeland Security - Disaster Recovery/Mutual Aid J. Tumolo September 13, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 NRIC-VI Focus Group 1D: Homeland Security - Disaster Recovery/Mutual Aid J. Tumolo September 13, 2002

2 2 Focus Group 1D: Homeland Security - Disaster Recovery and Mutual Aid Co-Chairs: Joe TumoloGordon Barber Verizon BellSouth Mission: Prepare and institute mechanisms for distributing contact information for telecommunications industry personnel essential to telecommunication services restoration. Report on the viability of past or present mutual aid agreements and develop, and report on, any additional perspectives that may be appropriate to facilitate effective telecommunications restorations.

3 3 Deliverables: Institute mechanism for contact information for industry personnel to ensure effective communications during restoration. Information must be easily accessible and current Report on usefulness of Mutual Aid Agreements and additional efforts necessary to facilitate service restoration.

4 4 Focus Group Members Representatives come from: -29 Companies/Government entities represented by 45 individuals with approximately 900 years of collective experience in the telecommunications industry -13 Business Segments - ILEC, IEC, Cable, CLEC, Equipment Manufacturing, Government, Industry Consulting/Services, ISP, IT, Satellite, Software, Trade Associations and Wireless - Diverse Companies - Range from 5K to >100K employees - Single State Footprint to National/International Coverage - New entrants to decades of service

5 5 In the exercise of the telecommunications functions and responsibilities in wartime and non-wartime emergencies In the coordination of the planning for and provision of national security and emergency preparedness communications (NS/EP) for the Federal Government under all circumstances, including crisis or emergency, attack, recovery and reconstitution. Bottom line: Assure the nation’s telecommunications backbone Telecommunications: "Any transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writing, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems.” Source: Telecom Glossary 2000 and Government Convergence Task Force Report (2000); similarly in 47Code of Federal Regulations (1997). National Security Emergency Preparedness: “Capabilities to maintain a state of readiness or to respond to and manage any event or crisis (local, national, or international) that causes or could cause injury or harm to the population, damage to or loss of property, or degrade or threaten the national security or emergency preparedness posture of the United States.“ Source: Telecom Glossary 2000 National Communications System (NCS) Mission : Assist the President, NSC, OSTP and OMB

6 6 Mission: Manage a unique industry-Government partnership chartered to ensure the availability of critical NS/EP telecommunications services across the full spectrum of emergencies. Emergencies include, but are not limited to, conventional and terrorist attacks against the United States, natural and man-made disasters, and other crises. NCS Critical Infrastructure Division

7 7 National Coordinating Center for Telecommunications (NCC) Mission Statement: To assist in the initiation, coordination, restoration, and reconstitution of NS/EP telecommunications services or facilities under all conditions, crises, or emergencies.

8 8 NCC Membership

9 9 Carried out by the National Coordinating Center (NCC) for Telecommunications NCC is staffed by representatives from the Federal Government and the Telecommunications Industry Assists in the initiation, coordination, restoration, and reconstitution of national security/emergency preparedness (NS/EP) telecommunications services and facilities under crisis or emergency conditions Federal Response Plan Emergency Support Function (ESF) 2

10 10 Created simple template patterned after the FCC Data Collection Form distributed in early 2002 Received 45 responses to date 5 additional responses on the way 4 companies haven’t responded The NCC will maintain the Contact List going forward and provide copies to the FCC DR/MA Focus Group Recommends Updates be provided as Names/Contact Information change Quarterly review of the contact information by the NCC and participating companies Contact List

11 11 Mutual Aid Agreement The NCC was charged to update, publish and distribute the Mutual Aid and Restoration Compendium of Agreements by the Network Reliability Council in 1993 There were four Agreements in place at the time The original Local Exchange Carrier Mutual Aid Agreement was signed in 1994 by the Bellcore Client Companies (BCC) - former RBOCs, Sprint, GTE, SNET and Cincinnati Bell - at the direction of the BCC NS/EP Committee

12 12 Mutual Aid Agreement NCC reviewed existing Agreements in 1995 and determined There is extensive cooperation/coordination prior to and during disasters and/or emergencies Cooperative efforts have not ceased even though few formal agreements exist Orderly and prompt response to disasters/emergencies is dependent on good communications plans and procedures More timely and less costly to develop “generic” mutual aid procedures

13 13 Mutual Aid Agreement Recommendations DR/MA Focus Group supports reuse of the1994 Agreement DR/MA Focus Group created “Novation Agreement” that retains the intent of the original 1994 LEC Agreement 6 merged companies now represent the 18 original signatories 4 of the 6 companies have signed the Novation Agreement DR/MA Focus Group recommends posting an unsigned copy of the Mutual Aid Agreement on the NCC and NRIC websites for use by any two parties requiring an agreement

14 14 Introduction of Best Practices Investigated existing Practices/Procedures General Services Administration (GSA) Continuity of Operations Plan 2000 Template National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1600 - Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs Business Continuity Best Practices by Andrew Hiles, FBCI Focus Group has created sub-committees based on “communities of interest” to develop “Best Practices” Focus Group is currently predisposed to posting an outline or index to the NRIC website that contains items for consideration/inclusion in a BC/DR/EM Plan

15 15 Issues “First Responder” status for telcom restoration teams Documented requirements (in advance of disaster) for access to disaster areas by communications personnel restoring service Focus Group participants are being inundated with requests for proprietary information regarding the physical security of “critical” assets - need Federal oversight coordination Determine if there is a need to expand focus to other utilities based on infrastructure interdependencies FCC allowance of exception to 272 separation requirements during periods of Natural Disaster Cost recovery procedures for implementation of Best Practices

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