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1 Persuasive writing What is persuasive writing?.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Persuasive writing What is persuasive writing?."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Persuasive writing What is persuasive writing?

2 Persuasive writing is… An essay which tries to convince a reader to believe what you believe about a certain topic.

3 Choose a topic you feel very strongly about State your opinion and be ready to prove it! This is your thesis statement

4 Share your opinion Choose a topic you strongly agree with Choose a topic that you have a lot of ideas about Choose a topic you have experience and knowledge about

5 Some DOS and DON’Ts Do: Divide into 5 paragraphs Have a thesis statement in your introduction Come up with 3 main points to support your argument—these will be your 3 body paragraphs Have a conclusion that contains a clincher statement Come up with a catchy title Don’t Begin with “hello my name is___ and I’m going to write about____” Take out the word I (instead of I think we shouldn’t wear uniforms say “Uniforms shouldn’t be required” Be wishy washy. Pick a side. Forget to support your opinions with facts and example

6 Stages of Writing Prewriting (brainstorming) Rough draft (pencil) Revising/editing Final draft (word processor)

7 Brainstorming Organize your ideas

8 These are elements that make a fabulous essay A terrific title A thought provoking thesis statement An interesting introduction with a hook 3 banging body paragraphs with innovative ideas Tremendous transition words between paragraphs A killer conclusion with a clincher statement

9 What is a thesis statement? A thesis statement is one sentence at the end of your introduction that states your opinion. It needs to be strong. High school graduates should be required to take a year off to pursue community service projects before entering college in order to increase their maturity and global awareness.

10 Which thesis is thought provoking? A. This essay describes the difference between being a student and being a scholar. B. School board policy should be changed in order to implement cell phones into the curriculum and to end the ban once and for all.

11 An interesting introduction with a hook Never say “Hello….blah blah” or “This essay will be about…” BORING! You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Some techniques we will learn about: Anecdote Riddles Fragment technique Quotations Shocking statement

12 ANECDOTE A short story within an introduction to make the point clear. Example: Sally got out of bed, and looked at the alarm clock. She was running late! She would have to hurry to catch the bus. This was one of those days that she was glad that her school had a uniform policy…she wouldn’t have to waste much time picking out an outfit.

13 Riddles Get your reader’s attention with a challenging thought. What’s plain, and boring? What makes all students in a school building look the same and lose their individuality? If you guessed UNIFORMS, you’re correct!

14 Fragment technique Uses 3 short fragments to create an image. Example: Be an individual and put on that same white shirt, take out your blue pants and matching tie, the one everyone else wears and get ready for another day...

15 Shocking statements Provides statistics or facts that startles readers to pull them into your story. Example Can you believe that over 90% of students polled at our school are dissatisfied with school lunch, but only 5% are willing to pack their own lunches?

16 3 banging body paragraphs with innovative ideas You should come up with three points to support your opinion Each of the points will be turned into a body paragraph Try to think of ideas that no one else would think of

17 3 banging body paragraphs with innovative ideas (an example) Your school has a uniform policy. Some people argue that uniforms in schools are beneficial because they cause less distractions, and some argue that they are not a good idea because they take away a student’s individuality. Do you agree or disagree with uniform policy?

18 3 banging body paragraphs with innovative ideas (an example) Thesis: Uniform policies are beneficial in schools, and should be implemented nationwide. Reason 1: Allows for less bullying based on wardrobe. Reason 2: Students will concentrate more on school and less on attire. Reason 3: It cuts down on cost of school clothes and time spent getting ready in the morning.

19 Tremendous transition words Transition words move from one thought to the next Usually at the beginning of 3 body paragraphs Avoid the same weak transition words (first, next, last)

20 A killer conclusion with a clincher statement Clincher statement is the last line of your paper. It should almost shock your reader Conclusion leaves a lasting impression… Include your plan, wish or hope for the future

21 A killer conclusion with a clincher statement In conclusion, over 95% of parents polled are in agreement with a school wide uniform policy. Uniforms allow students to be who they are, not what they wear. After all, shouldn’t school be about academics rather than apparel? It’s time our nation got back to reading, writing, and arithmetic….not Abercombie and Fitch, Baby Phat, and Billabong.

22 A review… What are some dos? What are some don’ts? What are these things… A terrific title A thought provoking thesis statement An interesting introduction with a hook Anecdote Riddles Fragment technique Quotations Shocking statement 3 banging body paragraphs with innovative ideas Tremendous transition words between paragraphs A killer conclusion with a clincher statement

23 How will I be graded? On these four areas: Style Organization Ideas Conventions

24 24 Persuasive Writing… True or False?

25 Writing situation appears first Writing Situation The Department of Education is considering a ban on the use of cell phones in public schools. Students would not be able to bring phones into school buildings for any reason. Many teachers and school administrators approve of the plan because they believe that cell phones are a distraction and disrupt class. Students and parents, on the other hand, feel that schools are limiting the ability of parents and children to keep in touch in case of emergencies. Writing Directions Write an essay either supporting or opposing the cell-phone ban. Provide convincing reasons and specific examples to support your positio n.

26 Prewriting The Graphic Organizer

27 Now… For your topic, create –A terrific title –An interesting introduction with a hook –A killer conclusion with a clincher statement

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