1 TITRE DE LA PRÉSENTATION. 2 DEFINITION Interculturality: - Inter  reciprocity - Cultural  habits, language, culture = Interculturalism is the set.

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2 2 DEFINITION Interculturality: - Inter  reciprocity - Cultural  habits, language, culture = Interculturalism is the set of relationships and interactions between different cultures, generated by meetings or confrontations, described as intercultural. Involving reciprocal exchanges, it is based on dialogue, mutual respect and the desire to preserve the cultural identity of each.

3 3 MIGRATION Meeting with Saad Zian (WOSM Bureau) There are many invisible decoders in culture First migration Second migration

4 4

5 5 CULTURE SHOCK To try to know each other and understand their attitudes, it is important first to try to get to know oneself, to identify its own values, norms and ideologies. It is they who are our models of representations through which we décondons the culture of the other.

6 6 CULTURE SHOCK It is our own socio-cultural identity which is one of the major obstacles to openness to otherness. We must realize our own roots and then take a step back and better understand the roots of another.

7 7 CULTURE SHOCK Despite these efforts, there may be areas incomprehension. = the culture shock.

8 8 CULTURE SHOCK How to overcome culture shock with scouts?

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