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Mediterranean Basin City-states, living off land, fishing, trade Climate: generally temperate. Much of life led outdoors. Market as major meeting-place.

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Presentation on theme: "Mediterranean Basin City-states, living off land, fishing, trade Climate: generally temperate. Much of life led outdoors. Market as major meeting-place."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mediterranean Basin City-states, living off land, fishing, trade Climate: generally temperate. Much of life led outdoors. Market as major meeting-place Soil: Light and dry, supporting agriculture, but trees only on mountains. Buildings of stone or brick Livestock: Mainly sheep and goats

2 Northern Region Plain from France to Russian steppes. Hills, mountains, plateaus, rivers Climate: wet Soil: Fertile areas, forests cleared by slash-and- burn. Small settlements of timber and clay Livestock: Main source of subsistence. Cattle (also measure of wealth) and fishing

3 People Earliest humans in Europe c. 30,000 years ago. Hunter-gatherers First evidence of farming in 7th millennium BC Fertility-based religion, cult of mother goddess c. 3000 BC Appearance of solar cult

4 Economic Life: trade, agriculture, crafts Warfare: inter-tribal, plus vs. external enemies The Celts

5 Oral Culture: No written texts Esteem for eloquence and bards Oral teaching: emphasis on memorisation. Astronomy, nature/greatness of earth, power of gods, natural and moral philosophy, immortality of soul. Knowledge as spiritual possession

6 The Celts Concern for hygiene Legal system No towns: hill forts as meeting-points, markets No coinage: fines assessed in cattle Caste system: king, warrior aristocracy, intelligentsia, commoners, slaves. Women enjoying reasonable freedom/opportunities

7 The Celts Warrior prestige derived from prowess in battle or sports Other activities: story-telling, feasting, drinking Buildings: mostly wood, some stone. Fortifications incl. ditch, bank, palisade Religion: polytheistic, nature-orientated. Worship in natural sacred spaces. Sacrificial offerings in form of treasures

8 The Celts Priesthood: druids. Secretive oral tradition Educators and lawyers Excommunication as most powerful sentence. Human sacrifice? Reincarnation/afterlife

9 Hellenic Culture Economic Life: trade, agriculture, crafts, natural resources Warfare: as collective endeavour for good of city-state

10 Hellenic Culture Intellectual Culture: Esteem for written word Know names of various playwrights, philosophers, historians etc. Widespread schooling and literacy Legal system: established laws and procedures. Fines usually paid in coin

11 Hellenic Culture Society: arrangement varied by city-state, but male-dominated. Women generally had few rights and often secluded Buildings: brick or stone. Monumental building projects

12 Hellenic Culture Religion: polytheistic and pantheistic. Attempts to win divine favour through sacrifices of food and drink. Deities as patrons of cities, but also associated with concepts Other activities: symposia, theatre, gymnasia, public festivals

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