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Budget Budget FY2010 Update Framework for FY2011 Budget Board of Early Education and Care October 13, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Budget Budget FY2010 Update Framework for FY2011 Budget Board of Early Education and Care October 13, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget Budget FY2010 Update Framework for FY2011 Budget Board of Early Education and Care October 13, 2009

2 Table of Contents FY10 Spending Plan 9C Exercise; FY10Caseload Update; Fiscal Year 2011 Maintenance Spending Plan; and FY2011 Caps – Limited Choices 2

3 3 FISCAL YEAR 2010 Spending Plan *FY10 shows the CCR&R portion of funding only; $10.1M has been moved down to the Quality account (3000-6000) to fund the local planning portion of the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement grants. ** FY10 shows the merging of the FY09 Accreditation funding with the Professional Development (PPS) grants which totals $1.9M in FY10.

4 4 Fiscal Year 2010 Caseload – DTA Related (3000-4050) Drop in caseload is primarily due to the transfer of the post-transitional population from this account to the Income Eligible account (3000-4060); and

5 5 Fiscal Year 2010 Caseload – Supportive Care (3000-3050)

6 6 Fiscal Year 2010 Caseload - Income Eligible (3000-4060)

7 FY2010 Budget Update 9C Reductions 7 On October 15 ANF will certify whether projected tax revenues are sufficient to support budgeted expenditures in FY10. The news is not expected to be good considering September collection are an astounding $200M under benchmark. As part of the 9Cs, EOE requested that the caseload account (Supportive, DTA Related, and Income Eligible Account be held harmless.

8 FY2011 Maintenance and Cap Spending Plan Overview FY11 Maintenance Budget: EEC is fully aware of the fiscal climate and only requests enough funding to maintain our commitment to quality care. In all other accounts, we propose level funding most of the non-caseload accounts. In addition, the only increase in the Administration account (3000-1000) account we proposed was annualizing unavoidable increases related to personnel and lease spaces. 8

9 Fiscal Year 2011 Maintenance Budget and FY11 Cap 9 7% cut would force $37M in reductions; 10% cut would force $53M in reductions; and 15% cut would force $$79M in reductions.

10 FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices 10

11 FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices – Admin Account Admin Account (3000-1000): This account is funded at $11.9M in FY10. In FY11 this account would need $12.1M just to maintain FY10 levels. The admin only accounts for 2.3% of the entire EEC budget. EEC already lost 5% of workforce since the beginning of FY09. The following are the major areas that this amount supports: $10.1M – Personnel and Related Charge backs: To support existing staff and backfill vital positions; $1.2M – Space Leases: $255K – Travel: Much of this is dictated by Collective Bargaining Agreements and program monitoring; $280K – Contractors and Consultants: This areas provides indispensible support to EEC; $340K – General Office Admin: These expenses include office supplies, postage, single state audit chargeback, board members travel reimbursement, IT equipment leases. 11

12 FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices Admin Account (3000-1000): This account is funded at $11.9M in FY10. The following is a breakdown of the $12.1M FY2011 Maintenance needs: 12

13 FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices - A FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices - A ccess Management This account requires at least level funding from FY10 to maintain service levels in FY11. The $9.7M budget level represents 1.9% of the entire EEC budget; This account funds $9,697,724 in contracts to 15 CCR&Rs for voucher management, information & referral, etc.; and This account also funds $35K in translation services as well as $50K set aside for consultants. 13

14 FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices – Caseload Accounts These account make roughly 89% of the entire EEC budget and serve roughly 56,200 children monthly. 14

15 FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices - FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices - Head Start This account funds $8,000,000 in Head Start State Supplemental Salary funding to 29 Head Start programs and 330 state funded slots in FY10. Of the center-based programs 37.4% of the children are full day enrollment and 62.7% are part day enrollment The overall budget only makes up 1.52% of the entire EEC budget. 15

16 FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices - FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices - Mental Health The overall budget of this account makes up much less than a percent of the entire EEC budget. 90% of the funding go toward 10 mental health grants. 16

17 FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices – FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices – UPK 17 279 UPK grants awarded at the program level.

18 FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices – FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices – Quality Account 18 Coordinated Family & Community Engagement (CFCE): 120 grantees; PPS Grant: 94 grantees; Building Careers: 21 grantees; Professional Development for CCR&R: 15 contracts; and Early Educators (CDA): 173 scholarship redeemed.

19 FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices – FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices – Family Engagements 19 MFN Grant: 42 grantees; 34 consolidated with Coordinated Family & Community Engagement grants (CFCE); PCHP Grant: 25 grantees; 22 consolidated with CFCE grants JFSP Grant: 11 grantees; all consolidated with CFCE grants

20 FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices Consider X to X Reduction Which program strategies do we consider redefining/restructuring or deleting? -AND- Which budget items advance the strategic plan and should, therefore, be preferred? 20

21 FY11 Budget Cap Reduction Limited Choices 21

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