WELCOME! Our Study: The Book of Psalms Where: Family Community Church, Room B-19 Time: *Tuesday, 12:15pm - 1:15pm When: Sept. 16, 2014 – May 19, 2015 Teacher:

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1 WELCOME! Our Study: The Book of Psalms Where: Family Community Church, Room B-19 Time: *Tuesday, 12:15pm - 1:15pm When: Sept. 16, 2014 – May 19, 2015 Teacher: Cheryl Jackson *Note: (1) Last Tuesday of each month: CLASS FELLOWSHIP (2) Fellowship is from 11:45 am – 12:15pm (3) Class discussion will begin at 12:15pm

2 CLASS FORMAT 1.This is an inductive Bible Study designed to help you discover for yourself what the Scripture is saying. My prayer is that we will have an interactive discussion based upon God’s Word as it is revealed to us under the power of the Holy Spirit. 2.Participants will be given a reading assignment and questions to study and answer at home in preparation for the class discussion. The class discussion will be based upon the reading assignment. 3.Please note that your answers to our questions, should be based on the verses which are the focus of the discussion and not on outside authorities such as commentaries or speakers. Only rarely should you refer to other portions of the Bible. 4.Why the structure? It enables everyone to participate in our discussion on equal ground. Additionally, it helps us to be good stewards of our time in class.

3 Why Study the Psalms? As Christians, we are commanded to utilize the Psalms: 1.“Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord,” (Ephesians 5:19) 2. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.” (Colossians 3:16) 3. “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful ? Let him sing psalms.” (James 5:13)

4 Why Study the Psalms? 5. They are useful for singing praises to God. 6. They are useful for teaching and confirming that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. 7.Note the use Jesus made of them (Luke 24:44-49).

5 Study Objectives 1.Develop an appreciation and working knowledge of the Psalms. This will enable us to utilize them for our own comfort and encouragement, and in counseling and comforting others. 2.Glean a clearer picture of God's character. This is essential to a better understanding of His love, mercy and deliverance towards the righteous, but also His wrath and judgment against the wicked.

6 STUDY OBJECTIVES 3. Learn about Jesus Christ in prophecy. Help us to note descriptions of His suffering and glorious reign found in the Psalms. 4. Learn about fulfilled prophecies. Help us see in fulfilled prophecy irrefutable arguments for the inspiration of the Scriptures, and for the fact that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah.

7 STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS 1.Remember the importance and purpose of all Scripture (Review 2 Timothy 3:16) 2. Set aside daily quite time to read and study the Bible. 3.Ask God for guidance and an open mind to better understand the Bible’s spiritual principles. 4.Do not rely on commentaries or the interpretation of others. Read the Bible for yourself. 5. Examine the context of what you are reading (both the book, time period, culture and audience).

8 STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS 6.Take all of the scriptures on a given subject and weigh them in order to grasp the overall message. 7. Remember: The Bible interprets itself. 8. The Bible is the final answer on all matters. 9. God is Sovereign. There are some things we will never know. 10. Pray that the HOLY SPIRIT will help you apply HIS WORD to your daily walk.

9 WHICH BIBLE SHOULD YOU USE? 1.Please note that I will use the New International Version (NIV). 2.You do not have to use the NIV. Please feel free to use what you have. 3.In order to facilitate our discussions, I may sometimes refer to the text as it is written in the New King James, Amplified and/or New American Standard. 4.The key in this class is our understanding and applying Biblical Truths. 5.If we aren’t careful, we will not be good stewards of our time in class if we don’t understand that different translations may use different words.

10 Servants Needed – Class Fellowship 1) Sept. 30 Cheryl Jackson 2)Oct. 28: 3)Nov. 18*: (No Class Nov. 25 – Thanksgiving Break) 4)Dec. 16*: (No Class Dec. 23 or 30 – Christmas Break) 5)Jan. 27: 6)Feb. 24: 7)March 31: 8)April 28:_________________________________________ 9)May 19: *Insert name of Volunteer

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