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Rational & Irrational Numbers

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1 Rational & Irrational Numbers
Math Foldable Rational & Irrational Numbers

2 Each student will need two different colored sheets of paper.
First, “hamburger fold” each sheet. Mark the center of the folded edge by making a second hamburger fold. Cut the first page from the left side to the center mark. Next, cut the remaining page from the right side to the center mark. Then insert the first page through the second page and staple at the top fold.

3 Divide each page in half from top to bottom with a line
Label page 1-Definitions (on the left side write) Rational number- a number that can be written as a fraction, a/b. Integers and certain decimals are rational numbers because they can be written as a fraction. All rational numbers can be written as a ratio of integers.

4 Page 1 (on the right side) Irrational number- is a number that cannot be written as a simple fraction. Irrational numbers are numbers that go on forever without repeating. They are also called non-terminating decimals

5 Page 2- Divide the page in half from top to bottom with a line.
Label this page-Examples on the left side (rational) 0.75 = ¾ 0.5 = 5/10 1.25 = 5/4 45 = 45/1

6 Right side-(irrational)
Pi( ) is usually written as 3.14. The fraction 22/7 when divided out becomes (…) and continues forever. The square root of many numbers is irrational, some of these are 2, 3,5,6,7,8,10,11 as well as many others.

7 Label this page-Websites
Rational numbers Irrational numbers

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