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©UChicago Impact Illinois 5Essentials New Users Webinar Presenters:Molly Quish, Sr. Project Manager Matt Moore, Asst. Project Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "©UChicago Impact Illinois 5Essentials New Users Webinar Presenters:Molly Quish, Sr. Project Manager Matt Moore, Asst. Project Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©UChicago Impact Illinois 5Essentials New Users Webinar Presenters:Molly Quish, Sr. Project Manager Matt Moore, Asst. Project Manager

2 2 ©UChicago Impact Webinar Agenda Part One: About 5Essentials  2014 In Review  Changes for 2015  What are the 5Essentials  Research behind 5Essentials Part Two: Implementation  Pre-Administration  Administration  Taking the Survey  Raising Response Rates  Resources and Support

3 Part One 2014 In Review

4 4 ©UChicago Impact 2014 In Review  March 17 – April 25, 2014  Survey of all teachers  Survey of students grades 6-12  Survey of parents (optional)  Online survey administration  July Reporting  Principals  Superintendents  October  IL Report Card  Reports made public

5 5 ©UChicago Impact 2014 Survey Participation Receiving Report Total Schools% Illinois1223331837% CPS64167096% Total State47% School Level Reporting Receiving Report Total Districts% Districts30286235% District Level Reporting SurveysTotal% Teachers69,747134,11052% Students422,6681,101,68438% Individual Participation

6 6 ©UChicago Impact Changes for 2015  Survey Content  Question testing in 2014  Alternative versions of questions  Additional questions for certain measures  Continued question testing in 2015

7 7 ©UChicago Impact Changes for 2015  Survey Content (continued)  Teacher Updates  Outcomes –Principal Instructional Leadership → Instructional Leadership »“Member of school leadership team” –Teacher Influence » “No influence; A little influence; Some influence; A great deal of influence”  Student Updates  Outcomes –Safety »“In hallways and bathrooms” → Two separate questions

8 8 ©UChicago Impact Changes for 2015  Student Survey Rostered  Students enter state student id and birthdate to take survey  Information provided by ISBE to UChicago Impact  Roster can be viewed and downloaded via survey admin dashboard Parent Survey  Response rate threshold reduced from 30% to 20%

9 The Research

10 10 ©UChicago Impact 20 years of research, 15 years of data Framework built from research on organizational factors that matter most in improving schools Validated through longitudinal study Continuously assessed for reliability, validity, and relevance Credible

11 11 ©UChicago Impact Compelling Top quartile schools: strong on 3 or more of the 5Essentials

12 12 ©UChicago Impact Predictive

13 The Essentials

14 14 ©UChicago Impact Ambitious Instruction Classes are challenging and engaging Effective Leaders Principals and teachers implement a shared vision for success Collaborative Teachers Teachers collaborate to promote professional growth Involved Families The entire staff builds strong external relationships Supportive Environment The school is safe, demanding, and supportive Intuitive

15 15 ©UChicago Impact 5EssentialsMeasures  English Instruction  Math Instruction  Academic Press  Quality of Student Discussion Items The teacher asks difficult questions in class. This class challenges me. This class requires me to work hard to do well. The teacher expects us to become better thinkers, not just memorize things. The teacher expects me to do my best all the time. The teacher expects everyone to work hard. Robust

16 Part Two Pre-Administration

17 17 ©UChicago Impact Information for survey  Dates of survey administration: Jan 12 – Mar 13  ISBE will provide:  School name, address, and district  Principal name and email address  Superintendent name and email address

18 18 ©UChicago Impact Information for survey Respondent numbers  Teachers  ISBE will provide teachers numbers from 2014  Update teacher numbers through Employment Information System  Parents  Parent number = total student body population  ISBE will provide data via Student Information System (SIS)  Update numbers through SIS

19 19 ©UChicago Impact Information for survey Respondent numbers (continued)  Students  Student rosters will be provided by ISBE  Will include birthdate and state student ID for log-in

20 20 ©UChicago Impact Information for survey Survey Administrator Dashboard  Notification sent to principals and superintendents  Option to designate survey coordinator  Log into dashboard to: –Review roster information –Download student roster –View response rates

21 Administration

22 22 ©UChicago Impact Taking the Survey Survey Window: Jan 12 – Mar 13  Survey is completed online  Use following browsers:  Mozilla Firefox (v4 or newer)  Google Chrome (any version)  Internet Explorer (v7 or newer)  Safari (v5 or newer)

23 23 ©UChicago Impact Taking the Survey 1.Go to: 2.Select the appropriate teacher, student, or parent survey 3.Log-in a)Teachers:Enter demographic information b)Students:Enter state student ID and birthdate c)Parents:Enter demographic information 4.Complete Survey

24 24 ©UChicago Impact Answering Questions

25 25 ©UChicago Impact Response Rates To generate a report:  50% response rate from teachers for teacher portions  50% response rate from students for student portions  20% response rate for parent data At least 8 valid teacher respondents and 10 valid student respondents

26 26 ©UChicago Impact Parent and Student Survey Translation English Spanish

27 Raising Response Rates

28 28 ©UChicago Impact Raising Response Rates Teachers  Share information during scheduled meetings  Advocate for the importance of voice  Establish expectations for participation  Determine a goal window for completion  Encourage survey advocates–teacher leaders

29 29 ©UChicago Impact Raising Response Rates Students  Make student IDs available for students  Advocate for the importance of voice  Create a school-wide survey schedule  Build into common structures – advisories  Use student advocates – student council  Rotate classes into the computer lab

30 30 ©UChicago Impact Raising Response Rates Parents At school:  Publicize in school and district newsletters  Work with PTA or PTO  Utilize computer lab during pick up/drop off  Breakfast/dinner and a survey  Link to Parent-Teacher conferences or school events In the Community:  Include community resource centers  Use public libraries and computer centers  Post secondary institutions

31 Resources and Support

32 32 ©UChicago Impact Resources  Communication Kit  Survey Administration Manual  2015 Survey Questions  2014 5Essentials Reports  FAQs

33 33 ©UChicago Impact Ongoing Support Survey Website  Questions/Clarifications   (866) 440-1874 Receive Notifications @UChicagoUEI

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