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Ryan Baker, Markesh Patel P.3

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1 Ryan Baker, Markesh Patel P.3
Sponges Ryan Baker, Markesh Patel P.3

2 PHYLUM Porifera Ryan Baker

3 (Callyspongia plicifera)
EXAMPLES Azure vase sponge (Callyspongia plicifera) Ryan Baker

4 EXAMPLES Variable Boring Sponge (Siphonodictyon coralliphagum)
Ryan Baker

5 Strawberry Vase Sponge
EXAMPLES Strawberry Vase Sponge (Mycale laxissima) Ryan Baker

6 BODY CAVITY Present “Spongocoel”
Water passes through pores (“porocytes”) and into the spongocoel

7 FLOW OF WATER 3) … and out through the osculum (connects spongocel to the environment) 2) … into the spongocel… 1) Water flows through the porocytes…

8 BODY SYMMETRY NONE or Radial Most sponges are asymmetrical
However, some may exhibit radial symmetry

9 NERVOUS SYSTEM NONE No nerve or sensory cells (only multicellular animal) However: touch/pressure can cause body contraction

10 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Amoebocytes transport nutrients to other cells
No true circulatory system, just water flow & amoebocytes Amoebocytes transport nutrients to other cells

11 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Choanocytes (collar cells) create a water current with flagella to trap food particles and ingest with phagocytosis. Amoebocytes digest and transport nutrients.

12 Excretory System None

13 Locomotion/Musculature
-Sessile -Sponge larvae use tiny hair structures called cilia to swim until they attach to a surface. (few days)

14 Skeletal Type The Body of a Sponge contains 2 layers of cells
Mesohyl – A gelatinous part between the layers of cells contains Amoebocytes-carry nutrients to cell/manufacture skeletal fibers # 1 Spicules made from calcium carbonate/silcia # 2 Spongin = more flexible

15 Sensory Structures/Features
None/VERY simple They may close their ostia if there is too much matter in the water or if it has been touched.

16 Reproduction All Sponges are Hermaphrodites = male/female and sperm/egg Gametes come from choanocytes and amoebocytes. Zygote develops in mesohyl Zygote becomes larvae Cross Fertilization Asexual reproduction via Gemmules

17 Gas Exchange Water flow allows for the sponges to obtain oxygen and remove waste. They exchange gases mainly by diffusion. (Most efficient way, because they have a large surface area)

18 Other Unique Features Sponges are known to grow back lost body parts.
All sponges are aquatic. Collar cells called choanocytes are only found in these kinds of animals. They are the only animal to use silicon as a support structure. They are suspension feeders, meaning they capture small food particles suspended in the water.

19 Question #1 Porifera are the only phylum that do not have a(n): a) Digestive system b) Nervous system c) Skeletal system d) Circulatory system

20 Question #1 Porifera are the only phylum that do not have a(n): a) Digestive system b) Nervous system c) Skeletal system d) Circulatory system

21 Question #2 Which of these systems DO Porifera truly have? a) Excretory system b) Nervous system c) Skeletal system d) Circulatory system

22 Question #2 Which of these systems DO Porifera truly have? a) Excretory system b) Nervous system c) Skeletal system d) Circulatory system

23 Question #3 Identify the structure in the picture: a) Spongocoel b) Amoebocyte c) Porocyte d) Osculum

24 Question #3 Identify the structure in the picture: a) Spongocoel b) Amoebocyte c) Porocyte d) Osculum

25 Question #4 Identify the structure in the picture: a) Spongocoel b) Amoebocyte c) Porocyte d) Osculum

26 Question #4 Identify the structure in the picture: a) Spongocoel b) Amoebocyte c) Porocyte d) Osculum

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