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1. 了解 2. 在前往 … 的途中 3. 而不是, 不愿 4. 设法做成某事 5. 瞥见, 看见 6. 被 … 包围 7. 在 … 有天赋 8. 定居, 平静下来 know about be on a trip to rather than manage to do catch sight of.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 了解 2. 在前往 … 的途中 3. 而不是, 不愿 4. 设法做成某事 5. 瞥见, 看见 6. 被 … 包围 7. 在 … 有天赋 8. 定居, 平静下来 know about be on a trip to rather than manage to do catch sight of."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. 了解 2. 在前往 … 的途中 3. 而不是, 不愿 4. 设法做成某事 5. 瞥见, 看见 6. 被 … 包围 7. 在 … 有天赋 8. 定居, 平静下来 know about be on a trip to rather than manage to do catch sight of be surrounded by/ with have a gift for settle down

3 在 … 中进行竞争 穿过 在城市 登上火车 向东行进 一路上 在大西洋海岸 9.compete in 10.go through the urban area 12.aboard the train 13.go eastward 14.all the way 15.on the Atlantic coast

4 Are you familiar with Canada? 9.98million km 2 5,500km

5 Let’s have a quiz. Warming up

6 B. 1. Which is the national flag of Canada? A. C. D.

7 2. What language(s) do Canadians speak? A. English. B. English and German. C. English and French. D. English and Spanish.

8 3. What is the capital city of Canada? A. B. Vancouver /væn´ku:və/ 温哥华 Toronto. C. D. Calgary /´kælgəri/ 卡尔加里 Ottawa

9 4. What is the national animal of Canada? A. B. Beaver /´bi:və/ 海狸 Grizzly bear /´grizli/ n 灰熊 C. D. Polar bear Penguin

10 5. What is the Canadian leader called? A. President. B. Prime Minister. C. Governor. D. King. Stephen Harper

11 6. How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada and what are they? A.Lake Superior B.Lake Huron C.Lake Erie D.Lake Ontario E.Lake Michigan Lake Superior Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario Lake Michigan



14 Skimming The passage is about a ____ of two girls, and it tells us some information about ____ _. 1.What is the passage mainly about? trip Canada 2. The text is a _____. A. legend ( 传奇 )B. story C. biography ( 传记 )D. travel note( 游记) Task1

15 Task2 Divide the whole text into three parts. What they really saw and felt after boarding the train brief introduction of their trip Their chat about the trip on their way to the train station Part 1 Para___ Part 2 Para___ Part 3 Para____ 1 2 3-5 上火车 聊天,闲聊


17 2.Why are they not flying directly to the Atlantic coast? The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. 1. What is the continent they are crossing? They are crossing North America.

18 Read para.2 and choose the best answers. 2. Which of the following is described as the most beautiful city in Canada? A. Vancouver. B. Calgary. C. Toronto. D. Montreal. 1.What is “The True North”? A. an aeroplane B. a train C. a continent D. a city

19 3. As you go eastward, you can see the following things except. A.mountains B. thousands of lakes C.cows D. forests and wide rivers

20 Vancouver – the warmest and most beautiful city in Canada

21 the Rocky Mountains They managed to catch sight of _______ ___________________________________ ______________. some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle Para 3 They crossed______________________

22 Calgary 卡尔加里 Para 3 The next stop--Calgary

23 What is Calgary famous for? Para. 3 (Calgary) Stampede (美国西部或加拿大 ) 大西部赛马会 [stæm'pi ː d]

24 PlaceInformation A wheat-growing Province ● Farms cover thousands of square ______. Thunder Bay ● It is a busy port city at the top of the Grate Lakes in an ______ area. ● Ocean ships can sail up _______________. the Great Lakes acres urban Scanning para.4 and fill in the blanks

25 a very busy port Thunder Bay


27 ____ 1. They will take the train across Canada westward. ____ 2. You can cross Canada in less than five days. ____ 3. Canada is a large country with a small population. F F F post reading I (True or False) ____ 4. It is so wet in Vancouver that the trees are tall. ____ 5.Vancouver is the coldest part in Canada. T T eastward more warmest

28 Draw the route of the two girls traveling across Canada.

29 1.Memorize the new words and phrases. 2.Retell the whole text. Homework


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