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AP Biology Why do we need a respiratory system? O2O2 food ATP CO 2  Need O 2 in  for aerobic cellular respiration  make ATP  Need CO 2 out  waste.

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2 AP Biology

3 Why do we need a respiratory system? O2O2 food ATP CO 2  Need O 2 in  for aerobic cellular respiration  make ATP  Need CO 2 out  waste product from Krebs cycle

4 AP Biology Gas exchange  O 2 & CO 2 exchange between environment & cells  need moist membrane  need high surface area  Why?

5 AP Biology Optimizing gas exchange  Why high surface area?  maximizing rate of gas exchange  CO 2 & O 2 move across cell membrane by diffusion  rate of diffusion proportional to surface area  Why moist membranes?  moisture maintains cell membrane structure  gases diffuse only dissolved in water

6 AP Biology Gas exchange in many forms… one-celledamphibiansechinoderms insectsfishmammals endotherm vs. ectotherm size cilia water vs. land

7 AP Biology Evolution of gas exchange structures external systems with lots of surface area exposed to aquatic environment Aquatic organisms moist internal respiratory tissues with lots of surface area Terrestrial

8 AP Biology Gas Exchange in Water: Gills

9 AP Biology Counter current exchange system  Water carrying gas flows in one direction, blood flows in opposite direction

10 AP Biology  Blood & water flow in opposite directions  maintains diffusion gradient over whole length of gill capillary  maximizing O 2 transfer from water to blood water blood How counter current exchange works front back blood 100% 15% 5% 90% 70%40% 60%30% 100% 5% 50% 70% 30% water counter- current concurrent

11 AP Biology Learning Check  Summarize how the countercurrent system maximizes O 2 movement from water to blood.

12 AP Biology Gas Exchange on Land  Advantages of terrestrial life  air has many advantages over water  higher concentration of O 2  O 2 & CO 2 diffuse much faster through air  respiratory surfaces exposed to air do not have to be ventilated as thoroughly as gills  air is much lighter than water & therefore much easier to pump  expend less energy moving air in & out  Disadvantages  keeping large respiratory surface moist causes high water loss  reduce water loss by keeping lungs internal

13 AP Biology Learning Check  Compare/contrast the costs/benefits of terrestrial vs. aquatic gas exchange

14 AP Biology Terrestrial adaptations  air tubes branching throughout body  gas exchanged by diffusion across moist cells lining terminal ends, not through open circulatory system Tracheae

15 AP Biology Lungs Exchange tissue: spongy texture, honeycombed with moist epithelium

16 AP Biology Alveoli  Gas exchange across thin epithelium of millions of alveoli  total surface area in humans ~100 m 2

17 AP Biology December 9, 2011  Bell Ringer Quiz  Explain the connection between the circulatory system and…  Respiratory System  Digestive System  Excretory System  Objectives  Use a model to explain negative pressure breathing  Differentiate between circulation in various organisms  Homework  Complete a pre-lab for Cardiovascular lab

18 AP Biology Negative pressure breathing  Breathing due to changing pressures in lungs  air flows from higher pressure to lower pressure  pulling air instead of pushing it

19 AP Biology Mechanics of breathing  Air enters nostrils  filtered by hairs, warmed & humidified  Pharynx  glottis  larynx (vocal cords)  trachea (windpipe)  bronchi  bronchioles  air sacs (alveoli)  Epithelial lining covered by cilia & thin film of mucus  mucus traps dust, pollen, particulates  beating cilia move mucus upward to pharynx, where it is swallowed

20 AP Biology Diffusion of gases  Concentration gradient & pressure drives movement of gases into & out of blood at both lungs & body tissue bloodlungs CO 2 O2O2 O2O2 bloodbody CO 2 O2O2 O2O2 capillaries in lungscapillaries in muscle

21 AP Biology Hemoglobin  Why use a carrier molecule?  O 2 not soluble enough in H 2 O for animal needs  blood alone could not provide enough O 2 to animal cells  hemocyanin in insects = copper (bluish/greenish)  hemoglobin in vertebrates = iron (reddish)  Reversibly binds O 2  loading O 2 at lungs or gills & unloading at cells cooperativity heme group

22 AP Biology Cooperativity in Hemoglobin  Binding O 2  binding of O 2 to 1 st subunit causes shape change to other subunits  conformational change  increasing attraction to O 2  Releasing O 2  when 1 st subunit releases O 2, causes shape change to other subunits  conformational change  lowers attraction to O 2

23 AP Biology Learning Check  Summarize the need for the carrier molecule hemoglobin. Further explain the conformational changes that occur in the presence/absence of O 2.

24 AP Biology O 2 dissociation curve for hemoglobin Bohr Shift  drop in pH lowers affinity of Hb for O 2  active tissue (producing CO 2 ) lowers blood pH & induces Hb to release more O 2 P O 2 (mm Hg) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 020406080100120140 More O 2 delivered to tissues pH 7.60 pH 7.20 pH 7.40 % oxyhemoglobin saturation Effect of pH (CO 2 concentration)

25 AP Biology O 2 dissociation curve for hemoglobin Bohr Shift  increase in temperature lowers affinity of Hb for O 2  active muscle produces heat P O 2 (mm Hg) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 020406080100120140 More O 2 delivered to tissues 20°C 43°C 37°C % oxyhemoglobin saturation Effect of Temperature

26 AP Biology Learning Check  How do you think the respiration rate of an animal that is homeostatic with its environment changes when there is an increase in surrounding temperature?

27 AP Biology Transporting CO 2 in blood Tissue cells Plasma CO 2 dissolves in plasma CO 2 combines with Hb CO 2 + H 2 OH 2 CO 3 H+ + HCO 3 – HCO 3 – H 2 CO 3 CO 2 Carbonic anhydrase Cl–  Dissolved in blood plasma as bicarbonate ion carbonic acid CO 2 + H 2 O  H 2 CO 3 bicarbonate H 2 CO 3  H + + HCO 3 – carbonic anhydrase

28 AP Biology Releasing CO 2 from blood at lungs  Lower CO 2 pressure at lungs allows CO 2 to diffuse out of blood into lungs Plasma Lungs: Alveoli CO 2 dissolved in plasma HCO 3 – Cl – CO 2 H 2 CO 3 Hemoglobin + CO 2 CO 2 + H 2 O HCO 3 – + H +

29 AP Biology Breathing and Homeostasis  Homeostasis  keeping the internal environment of the body balanced  need to balance O 2 in and CO 2 out  need to balance energy (ATP) production  Exercise  breathe faster  need more ATP  bring in more O 2 & remove more CO 2  Disease  poor lung or heart function = breathe faster  need to work harder to bring in O 2 & remove CO 2 O2O2 ATP CO 2

30 AP Biology Autonomic breathing control  Medulla sets rhythm & pons moderates it  coordinate respiratory, cardiovascular systems & metabolic demands  Nerve sensors in walls of aorta & carotid arteries in neck detect O 2 & CO 2 in blood

31 AP Biology Medulla monitors blood  Monitors CO 2 level of blood  measures pH of blood & cerebrospinal fluid bathing brain  CO 2 + H 2 O  H 2 CO 3 (carbonic acid)  if pH decreases then increase depth & rate of breathing & excess CO 2 is eliminated in exhaled air

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