1 Meeting BASIC Readiness Commander Dan Brum Pharmacist Professional Advisory Committee Member Readiness Section Co-Lead May 10, 2011 (updated November.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Meeting BASIC Readiness Commander Dan Brum Pharmacist Professional Advisory Committee Member Readiness Section Co-Lead May 10, 2011 (updated November."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Meeting BASIC Readiness Commander Dan Brum Pharmacist Professional Advisory Committee Member Readiness Section Co-Lead May 10, 2011 (updated November 30, 2011)

2 2 Agenda Why be BASIC ready? Readiness contact information Direct Access OFRD website Basic readiness checklist

3 3 Why be Basic Ready? Required of all officers Needed for promotions Needed for deployments Needed for PHS awards eligibility

4 4 Level of effort required? Modest effort to achieve Easy to maintain Requirements readily available http://ccrf.hhs.gov/ccrf/readiness_guides.htm

5 5 OCCO (license) attn: Ms. Darracott (f): 301-453-6142 eOPF (f): 301-480-1407 or 301-480-1436 Direct Access: http://dcp.psc.gov/DA_resources.aspxhttp://dcp.psc.gov/DA_resources.aspx OFRD website: https://dcp.psc.gov/ofrdweb/login.aspxhttps://dcp.psc.gov/ofrdweb/login.aspx Responder e-Learn: http://www.respondere-learn.com/http://www.respondere-learn.com/ Medical Affairs Branch (address and fax) OCCSS/MAB 8455 Colesville Rd., Room 910 Silver Spring, MD 20857-0001 (f): 301-427-3431 Readiness contact information

6 6 Direct Access website OFRD website Two critical resources

7 7 Direct Access – Log in

8 8 Direct Access – check status

9 9 OFRD Website Readiness guides Basic readiness checklist MAB immunization fax coversheet http://ccrf.hhs.gov/ccrf/MAB_Fax_Coversheet.pdf Readiness FAQs Personnel Policy Memoranda Information about Direct Access Medical history documents

10 10 Basic readiness overview MABDirect Access eOPFOFRD website OCCO License/certificationfax BLSyou updatefax Deployment role & hoursselect roleinput hrs APFTmailyou update Annual medical historyfax 5-year physical/dentalmail Immunizationsfax Web-based training* * Responder e-Learn: Web-based training (8 OFRD modules, 4 FEMA EMI modules)

11 11 Basic readiness checklist License or Certification Fax to OCCO

12 12 Basic readiness checklist BLS – renew every two years Update in Direct Access Fax copy of BLS card to eOPF

13 13 Basic readiness checklist Choose a deployment role (Direct Access) Clinical currency if in clinical role Enter clinical hours on OFRD website At least 80 hours per year

14 14 Basic readiness checklist Input hours here

15 15 Basic readiness checklist Annual Physical Fitness Test (APFT) Update in Direct Access Mail PHS-7044 to MAB President’s Challenge Discussion on possible phase out Medical waivers

16 16 Basic readiness checklist 5-year medical and dental exam Mail to MAB Annual medical history Fax to MAB

17 17 Basic readiness checklist Immunizations Use MAB fax cover sheet Hep A, Hep B, MMR, TD, varicella Influenza (annual) Tuberculosis screening (PPD) Annual tuberculin skin test OR Two negatives within 12 months OR Negative IGRA

18 18 Basic readiness checklist Online training Responder e-Learn 2.0 Complete eight modules Complete four FEMA EMI courses

19 19 Readiness section co-leads CDR Dan Brum Dan.brum@fda.hhs.gov 301-796-0578 LCDR Troy Bernardo tbernardo@bop.gov 919-575-3900 ext 5657 LT Khang Ngo Khang.ngo.usphs@hotmail.com 360-276-4405

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