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Team 4 Shane Sunada – Project Leader Malcolm Menor – Project Manager Nathan Umeda – Technical Supervisor Joseph Longhi – Documentation Final Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Team 4 Shane Sunada – Project Leader Malcolm Menor – Project Manager Nathan Umeda – Technical Supervisor Joseph Longhi – Documentation Final Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team 4 Shane Sunada – Project Leader Malcolm Menor – Project Manager Nathan Umeda – Technical Supervisor Joseph Longhi – Documentation Final Presentation May 9, 2008

2 To design and construct a robotic “mouse” that can successfully navigate to a central point of a randomized maze and return to the starting point with minimal collisions. Overview

3 Hardware

4 Initial Goals - Robot base must be able to rotate 180 degrees in a 16cm x 16cm square - Robot base should be robust - Robot base should be light (no excessive material) - Robot should be easily disassembled - Robot should LOOK GOOD!

5 Alteration -Chassis and Sensor Layout -Rear Sensors -Tire size - Chassis lightening - Circuit element decisions

6 Problems -Thought our motors were bad when circuit was on Breadboard -Shorted RCM2000 -Batteries/Power Drain -PCB -Heat Generated -Finding Right Value of Resistors for Sensors

7 Software

8 Initial Goals -Get it moving Straight -Tracking -Get it to turn -180 -90 -Wall Hugger -Right -Left -Switching -Random -Flood Fill -Track (x,y) position in maze -Flood Filling Functions

9 Straight/Tracking -Stop one wheel -Deciding which sensors to use -Use Costates -Reverse Code -Acceleration

10 Turning -Move both wheels in opposite directions so turn in place -UTurn is just 2 turns

11 Wall Hugger -Slow down when no wall -Turn after no wall then wall -Started with just right wall hugging -Mod to left wall -Switching -Random Pulses

12 Flood Fill -Tried position with step count -Wrote other functions -Not able to get all function to sync

13 Problems

14 Straight/Tracking -If tried a smooth correction it didn’t correct fast enough -Sensors to far apart -Trying to Find the Right speed to move the mouse -Sometimes tracked when we didn’t want to -(Tracked into Wall) -Changed Sensors Used

15 Turning -Getting the values for turning -Sometimes one wheels locked

16 Wall Hugging -Getting Code to compile -Deciding When the mouse should turn -Instead of using step counts sense when wall disappears and then reappears -Turned when it shouldn’t or the wrong directions -Change what sensors were used to detect turn

17 Continued Switching/Random How to make it switch Implementing a Random Function Added LED Crashed into wall Reset Feature

18 Flood Fill -How to write a flood fill code and what it is -How to avoid flood overflow -Just don’t check outer walls -Keeping track of position in the maze

19 Recap Final Standing -Have Chassis using Stepper Motors and a PCB Motorboard -8 Sensors and 2 LED on a Adjustable Sensor Board -10 1.2 V Rechargeable Batteries -Left, Right, Switching, Random Wall Hugger, Drag Race switchable with 8 Dip Switches

20 Outstanding Problems What we would change

21 Power Drain/ Heat -More Voltage Regulators -Stepper Motors gave problems -Rechargeable Batteries -Add one more Switch

22 -Sensor Layout -Closer Sensors -More Sensors -PCB Sensor Boards -Weight Reduction -Position -Trying to keep track of position in maze

23 -Moving -S-Turns -Better Tracking -Solving Algorithms -Getting Flood Fill to work -Find a better algorithm


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