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Venus: Earth’s Twin?.

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Presentation on theme: "Venus: Earth’s Twin?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Venus: Earth’s Twin?

2 Venus Bio/Facts Diameter: 12,104 km Relative Mass (Earth = 1): Density (kg/m3): 5240 Distance from Sun (AU): 0.72 Length of Day: hours Length of Year: days Mean Temp: ⁰F

3 Questions: Why is Venus so much warmer than Mercury (which is closer to the Sun)?

4 Atmosphere Primarily composed of CO2 and Nitrogen (N2) If Venus’ atmosphere is primarily CO2 , how could that affect its temperature? (Think greenhouse gases) The Planet is covered in clouds made of sulfuric acid!

5 Moons None again! (seeing a trend here?)



8 Computer generated interpretation
(Still cool!!!)


10 Describe Venus’ rotation.
Is this the same as Earth?

11 Venus Video

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