NIROPS Overview for Dispatchers Tom Mellin – National IR Program Manager and SW GACC IR Liaison.

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Presentation on theme: "NIROPS Overview for Dispatchers Tom Mellin – National IR Program Manager and SW GACC IR Liaison."— Presentation transcript:

1 NIROPS Overview for Dispatchers Tom Mellin – National IR Program Manager and SW GACC IR Liaison

2 Topics NIROPS structure IRIN responsibilities and deployment NIROPS Website

3 IRINs: Tom Mellin National IR Program ManagerPilots: Dan Johnson IR Techs: Woody Smith Charles ‘Kaz’ Kazimir NIROPS “Organization” R4: Intermountain Region Karyn Wood Director Operations Research & Development Operations

4 National IR Program Manager Tom Mellin IRCRNorthernIRCR Rocky Mtn Rocky Mtn.IRCRSouthwestIRCR Great Basin IRCR North Ops South Ops IRCRNorthwestIRCRSouthernIRCREasternIRCRAlaska IRCN IRCN: Infrared National Coordinator: Works with the Coordinator on Duty (NICC) and the respective GACCs to determine mission priorities for the use of IR aircraft. This is a NICC - assigned position GACC IR Liaison Maintain and update the list of qualified or trainee, active or inactive Infrared Interpreters (IRIN) in their GACC. Submit updated list to NICC, GACC, IRCN and each IRIN on the list. Conduct information presentations about the IR program to other agency groups, e.g., Incident Commanders, Operation Chief, Dispatchers, Aviation, etc. IRCR: Infrared Regional Coordinator In the event of multiple incidents in the region, the IRRC may act as lead for IRINs assigned to the incidents. The IRRC could possibly assist with the flight scheduling of the IR aircraft. This is a NICC-assigned position. National IR Program Manager for NIROPS Responsibilities include the coordination of S-443, appointing the IRCR, and IRCN’s when needed. Conduct information presentations about the IR program to other agency and interagency groups, e.g., Incident Commanders, Operation Chief, Dispatchers, Aviation, etc. S-443 Training Cadre : The National IR Program Manager and the GACC IR Liaisons make up the core of the training cadre. RSAC has been tasked to coordinate the development of the student workbook and online course pre-work.

5 GACC IR Liaisons Northern:Lee Werth Rocky Mtn: Melinda McGann Bob Malcolm Southwest:Tom Mellin Great Basin:Barry Stern CA N/S:Kyle Felker Northwest:Randy Herrin Southern:Scott Wilkinson Eastern:Liz McNichols Alaska:Hilary Rigby

6 Aircraft: Main function: IR use from April-November 144Z: Cessna Citation Bravo 149Z Beechcraft 200 Super King Air Both used for tanker inspections/personnel transport in off season

7 Scheduling 149Z144Z King Air 200B Citation Bravo Contract IR Aircraft Once FS assets have been exhausted, the National Coordinator can utilize contract assets. National Coordinator position activated at PL4

8 IR Team Coordination

9 What Does an Infrared Interpreter Do? An IRIN is an overhead resource who works for the SITL An IRIN can work under three different scenarios As a single resource co-located with an IMT Traditional, but less common As part of a “pod” of IRINs at a centralized location More common Redding 2008; Kalispell, Boise, Waycross 2007 As a single resource working remotely from their home office. Becoming more common

10 Roles and Responsibilities of the Infrared Interpreter Regardless of where the IRIN works: Primary Objectives: Quality control Determine heat perimeter Identify isolated heat sources Calculate acreage of the perimeter Produce summary map(s) and log

11 Pod and Remote IRIN Support: One IRIN, Multiple Fires NIROPS Interpreter(s) located at RO, SO, RD, hotel, home Phoenix data in WinZip archive Phoenix data in WinZip archive Shapefiles, PDFs in WinZip archive Incident Spec Data/ IR Incident

12 IRIN “Pods” Multiple IRINs at a single location central to multiple incidents If working in a pod A lead IRIN is assigned Each interpreter will be responsible for at least one fire, possibly more, depending on size and complexity Interpreter may work fires not in the local area Usually 14 day assignments

13 Remote (Virtual) IRINs Support one or more incidents from home office May be individual incidents, or supporting a pod remotely Variable time length* IRINs are responsible for communicating with the incident * Focused effort to keep remote interpretation for short (1-3 day), infrequent, or “gap-filling” assignments

14 Aircraft vs. IRINs NIROPS aircraft are a national resource that can support multiple fires in multiple GACCs NOT assigned to the fire Fires receive the service IRINs are a single resource (overhead) that can support one or more fires Can be assigned to a Fire OR can be assigned to a GACC or Area Command to support multiple fires (usually as a member of a “pod”)

15 How: Scanner Request is Submitted By SITL, IC or IRIN Local Dispatch Expanded Dispatch Area Dispatch ROSS A# Geographic Area Coordination Center NICC National Infrared Coordinator Infrared Pilot IR Technician Hand Off Images To IRIN Interpretation Mapped Accurate Maps Delivered to ICP Before Morning Briefing IRIN Determines SITL/IC’s Additional Flight Flight 10:00 15:00 24:00 05:30 08:00

16 Raw data Shape files. GeoTiffs Color Grayscale Fire Layer JPEGS Mosaics Phoenix Data Products

17 IR Online Scanner Orders OR

18 IR Online Scanner Orders

19 Accurate phone numbers are key A# needed Order still needs to be placed thru ROSS After the initial scanner order, IRIN should submit orders IRINs will call dispatch for A# IR Online Scanner Orders

20 IR Online Scanner orders Standard login for each dispatch center in SW User Name is dispatch center identifier (i.e. AZ- WDC, NM-SDC, etc.) Password is r3ir User name is not case sensitive but password is.

21 AirCell System Direct download of imagery to NIFC ftp site Utilizes existing network of cell phone towers Seamless coverage above 10,000 ft. AGL in CONUS More efficient, timely delivery of data Improved safety – fewer landings/takeoffs, less driving

22 NIFC ftp file structure

23 Questions? Tom Mellin – National IR Program Manager and SW GACC Liaison (505) 842-3845 Work (505) 301-8167 Cell

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