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The Rise Cohort A Dropout Prevention Program Tina Krabitz and Laura Peter Homewood Center.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise Cohort A Dropout Prevention Program Tina Krabitz and Laura Peter Homewood Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise Cohort A Dropout Prevention Program Tina Krabitz and Laura Peter Homewood Center

2 Dropout Characteristics  With a partner, brainstorm a list of characteristics that describe a student who is at risk for dropping out  Write one characteristic per post-it note  Try to come up with 4 per partner  Place on “Alan”  With a partner, brainstorm a list of characteristics that describe a student who is at risk for dropping out  Write one characteristic per post-it note  Try to come up with 4 per partner  Place on “Alan”

3 Elementary Level  What to look for:  Reading and math skills below grade level  Failing reading and/or math  Attendance  Referrals/Behavior  Suspensions  What to look for:  Reading and math skills below grade level  Failing reading and/or math  Attendance  Referrals/Behavior  Suspensions

4 Elementary Level  What you can do:  Increase level of communication with parents  Involve families in workshops and Parent Information Sessions  Social skills training and education for students  Practice goal setting  Provide reading and math interventions  Incorporate reflective activities into disciplinary actions  Articulate with Middle School staff  What you can do:  Increase level of communication with parents  Involve families in workshops and Parent Information Sessions  Social skills training and education for students  Practice goal setting  Provide reading and math interventions  Incorporate reflective activities into disciplinary actions  Articulate with Middle School staff

5 Middle Level  Goals for all students:  Studies show that students who can project themselves into the future and understand the consequences of their actions today are far less likely to:  Dropout of school  Become a teen parent  Abuse drugs  Goals for all students:  Studies show that students who can project themselves into the future and understand the consequences of their actions today are far less likely to:  Dropout of school  Become a teen parent  Abuse drugs

6 Middle Level  Strategies and Interventions  Transition programs into and out of Middle School  Review student data to determine current assessment, attendance, and suspension data  Create individualized plans for students who fall in the “at risk” category- these should include:  Point of contact staff who will meet with and follow up with students and families  Goal setting activities  Inventories and learning profiles  Academic and behavioral interventions  Offer before and after school programs that target academic and social enrichments experiences  School-wide focus on teacher collaboration and cross-curricular, real- world lesson planning  Schedule career and enrichment presentations intermittently throughout the school year  Increase staff buy in by offering school-wide training and planning  Strategies and Interventions  Transition programs into and out of Middle School  Review student data to determine current assessment, attendance, and suspension data  Create individualized plans for students who fall in the “at risk” category- these should include:  Point of contact staff who will meet with and follow up with students and families  Goal setting activities  Inventories and learning profiles  Academic and behavioral interventions  Offer before and after school programs that target academic and social enrichments experiences  School-wide focus on teacher collaboration and cross-curricular, real- world lesson planning  Schedule career and enrichment presentations intermittently throughout the school year  Increase staff buy in by offering school-wide training and planning

7 RISE Cohort  Plan:  Review of data showed significant dropout numbers for Homewood 9th graders  Researched counties and schools with similar data and demographics that made improvements in the area of dropouts  Attended conferences and shadow days to observe current curriculum, strategies, and interventions used  Met with essential central office and school staff to plan and implement initiative at Homewood  Plan:  Review of data showed significant dropout numbers for Homewood 9th graders  Researched counties and schools with similar data and demographics that made improvements in the area of dropouts  Attended conferences and shadow days to observe current curriculum, strategies, and interventions used  Met with essential central office and school staff to plan and implement initiative at Homewood

8 RISE Cohort  Do:  Presented initiative to all staff for buy-in and to gauge staff interest to participate  Identified students based on the dropout criteria  Created cohort model and schedule  Met with students and parents to provide information and encourage commitment  Incorporated field trips, speakers, and other career experiences into class  Utilized Career Choices curriculum  Met with students to develop goals and plans for the year  Reviewed throughout the year  Do:  Presented initiative to all staff for buy-in and to gauge staff interest to participate  Identified students based on the dropout criteria  Created cohort model and schedule  Met with students and parents to provide information and encourage commitment  Incorporated field trips, speakers, and other career experiences into class  Utilized Career Choices curriculum  Met with students to develop goals and plans for the year  Reviewed throughout the year

9 RISE Cohort  Study:  Reviewed student data at end of first quarter  Met with students, parents, teachers, administration to obtain feedback and suggestions  Identified students in need of additional academic and behavior interventions  Compared Cohort data to “traditional tracked” 9th graders  Continued to provide and participate in professional development  Used workspace and bi-weekly meetings to share ideas and student information  Study:  Reviewed student data at end of first quarter  Met with students, parents, teachers, administration to obtain feedback and suggestions  Identified students in need of additional academic and behavior interventions  Compared Cohort data to “traditional tracked” 9th graders  Continued to provide and participate in professional development  Used workspace and bi-weekly meetings to share ideas and student information

10 RISE Cohort  Act:  Reviewed student data throughout the year  Met with Cohort teachers to encourage and support co-planning and cross-curricular teaching  Provided feedback to students throughout the year based on BAG  Made changes to increase expectations and engagement from students  Utilized information and data to begin planning and preparation for next year’s Cohort  Act:  Reviewed student data throughout the year  Met with Cohort teachers to encourage and support co-planning and cross-curricular teaching  Provided feedback to students throughout the year based on BAG  Made changes to increase expectations and engagement from students  Utilized information and data to begin planning and preparation for next year’s Cohort

11 Dropout Strategies  With a partner, brainstorm a list of strategies that schools can do to address the dropout issue  Write one strategy per post-it note  Try to come up with 3 per partner  Place on “Frank”  With a partner, brainstorm a list of strategies that schools can do to address the dropout issue  Write one strategy per post-it note  Try to come up with 3 per partner  Place on “Frank”

12 Share Out  Directions:  Meet with school/partners to identify PDSA for your specific school and demographics  What can you do next year?  Create PDSA foldable to generate ideas and take back to your school/staff  Directions:  Meet with school/partners to identify PDSA for your specific school and demographics  What can you do next year?  Create PDSA foldable to generate ideas and take back to your school/staff

13 Questions and Resources  Any questions? Comments?  Resources:     Career Choices Curriculum  Any questions? Comments?  Resources:     Career Choices Curriculum

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