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WP 7 Helpdesk Facility and Extending the Network Patricia Mergen, Boris Jacob Royal Museum for Central Africa (MRAC)

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Presentation on theme: "WP 7 Helpdesk Facility and Extending the Network Patricia Mergen, Boris Jacob Royal Museum for Central Africa (MRAC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 WP 7 Helpdesk Facility and Extending the Network Patricia Mergen, Boris Jacob Royal Museum for Central Africa (MRAC)

2 Results achieved 7.1 7.1 Helpdesk Facility: D10/ C7.1.3 Dispatching system to answer questions timely operational (MNHN)

3 Results achieved 7.2 C7.2.2 Analysis of documentation, gaps and plan for needed additional documentation. (UT-NHM) Analysis of importance and attribution to user groups. D11 / C7.2.3 Enriched + checked existing documentation in orig. language (website) (MRAC) Documentation browser on the Helpdesk + linking to specific documents for new providers and

4 Results achieved 7.3 C7.3.1 List of criteria and benefits to become Open Up! associated partners established (UH) Re-used for the outreach activities with WP8. C7.3.2 First OpenUp! tutorial and training session for new providers of the consortium (RBINS) Used as basis for the Tutorial 2 yesterday. C7.3.3 Preliminary list of potential associated partners identified (UH) List of 300+ institutions as a basis for the Outreach campaign in year 3. Shortlist of ~30 institutions already contacted. D19 / C7.3.4 Standard procedure for associated partners operational (UH) Fixed workflow between WP1, WP3, WP4, WP5, and WP7

5 Performance indicators (DoW, p. 70) No.Project objective / expected result Indicator nameExpected /Real Year 1Year 2Year 3 3Extend participation in content provision beyond the original consortium Non OpenUp!-member data providers equipped with OpenUp! software (Provider software and data quality toolkit) 05/4*10 5Making the structures sustainable by integrating them into the established institutional framework and the existing networks in the domain. Number of institutions actively supporting OpenUp! helpdesk 2/44/76 * The 4 are: The Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Geology; The Electronic World Catalog of Symphyta; Naturkundemuseum Chemnitz; Natural Europe (as an alternative route to Europeana). 8 in pipeline of whom some might provide via BioCASe of others: Swedish Museum of Natural History; Natural History Museum, Norway; Museum of Zoology of Strasbourg; Musée de la Vallée; Museum George Sand et de la Vallee Noire; Museum für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte Dessau; Paläontologische Sammlung der Freien Universität Berlin; Geologisch-Paläontologische Sammlung Universität Leipzig

6 Difficulties encountered and remedial actions Difficulties encounteredRemedial actions Low level of response in finding new associated partners to institutions with BioCASe installation. Development of special strategy within the outreach campaign (due in month 30) to convince them of the added value and return on investment, even if they cannot get any funding from Open up!. Insecurity at the side of possible new partners about the Europeana DEA. Special part of outreach strategy to show advantages of the project and data re-use, together with WP8. Problems with MRAC and RBINS not initially signing the DEA. Lobbying on different levels in the institutions, lead to signing the DEA. A lot of Helpdesk communication via direct emailing, makes it more difficult to re-use answers to enhance the knowledge corpus. New partner will be given the Helpdesk dispatching as main communication tool with the Helpdesk.

7 Workplan for year 3 – Project objectives 7.1 Helpdesk Facility: – Updates are done on the Helpdesk technology in synergy with other projects (SYNTHESYS, EU BON). – Updates on content is done in relation to task 7.2 and WP8 Outreach and dissemination 7.2 Documentation I: – Coordinate the production of new documentation of the services set up by OpenUp! for users and providers. Coordinate needed translation of documentation in national languages. [UT-NHM with all]

8 Workplan for year 3 – Project objectives 7.2 Documentation II: – Check, proof read, update, enrich existing documentation as needed is ongoing process. – Coordination of production new documentation and translation is main task in year 3 7.3 Extending the Network: – Develop an Outreach strategy to attract associated partners (in close collaboration with WP8 on Dissemination and awareness) – Outreach campaign started as test, enhancement and execution with WP8 and all interested partners is major task in year 3

9 Workplan for year 3 – Reports D/MSCTitleWPLeadMonthPart of MS12--Outreach campaign to attract additional associated partners started 7MRAC30-- D21C7.2.4Availability of newly produced documentation on the helpdesk website 7UT- NHM 32D21 C7.3.5Second OpenUp! tutorial and training session for providers from associated partners 7RBINS34D23 C7.2.5Availability of complete documentation of OpenUp! services in different languages on the helpdesk website 7MRAC36D23

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