Rights Respected Schools. U.N.C.R.C. The Convention of the Rights of the Child was ratified by the U.K. In 1991 All duty bearers ( adults, schools, organisations,

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1 Rights Respected Schools

2 U.N.C.R.C. The Convention of the Rights of the Child was ratified by the U.K. In 1991 All duty bearers ( adults, schools, organisations, local authorities and governments) must be aware that children’s rights are: – Unconditional – Inalienable – Indivisible – Universal

3 UNCRC Values Freedom Dignity Equality Safety The right to a voice These values form a web of support for children. If one or more rights are removed the others can fall through.

4 The Rights/Articles There are 54 articles in all, though only 42 of them relate directly to children. The R.R.S.A. is awarded to schools which have succeeded in placing the convention at the heart of the schools’ ethos. It looks at four main areas: – Leading and Managing the RRS – Teaching and Learning about the Convention – Creating and Maintaining a Rights Respecting Ethos – Empowering children to become active citizens and learners

5 The Way Forward - Phase 1 In phase 1 we have to choose eight rights to focus upon. Our RRS Steering Group have selected the following rights: Article 8 – the right to a name and nationality Article 12: the right to say what you think should happen and be listened to Article 14: the right to follow your own religion Article 15: the right to meet your friends and join clubs Article 24: the right to good food and water, to see a doctor if you are ill and to live in a clean environment Article 28: the right to learn and go to school Article 29: the right to be the best you can be while respecting others Article 31: the right to relax and play

6 Let’s work together to Make Terrace Road a Rights Respecting School!

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