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THE CLASS BARRIER Class as a theme started with the beginning of the novel and is still used nowadays. (MacEwan)

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Presentation on theme: "THE CLASS BARRIER Class as a theme started with the beginning of the novel and is still used nowadays. (MacEwan)"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE CLASS BARRIER Class as a theme started with the beginning of the novel and is still used nowadays. (MacEwan)

2 THE CLASS BARRIER Writers are born: In a specific cultural and political climate Into a precise social class of which they often become representatives(J.Austen, C.Dickens) Within a system of ideas of which they may be only partly aware

3 The Reading public The readers are conditioned in the same way and, as readers, tend to influence the novelists

4 Relationship between social reality and fiction In terms of: Setting Characterization (importance of the description of clothes in XVIII and XIX century:the clothes tell the class) Point of view

5 Society in the 18° and first half of the 19° century The upper class: Aristocracy=dominating high politics Ecclesiastical office=patronage over church The gentry: Landowners(of smaller parts of lands) justices of the peace (they kept the order in the country) Country elite : The local power elite The local status elite(prestige) The local élite of wealth(money) The clergy

6 MIDDLING PEOPLE Farmers/yeomen=they rented the lands but were independent Professionals: Army(2° son) Church(3° son) Navy(4° son) Lawyers and doctors(5° child) Commercial middle class =Adam Smith “England is a country of shopkeepers. They were becoming more important thanks to the trade abroad and the growing empire

7 THE LOWER ORDERS The labouring classes Mechanics Artisans Servants (at the time there was an incredible number of servants)

8 FEATURES OF THIS SOCIETY Scarse social mobility With the following exceptions: intrusion of moneyed newcomers(Heathcliff) Inferior ladies married into the high ranks(Cinderella) London merchants professionals

9 JANE AUSTEN:PRIDE AND PREJUDICE Setting: small towns or villages in the countryside Urban versus rural No reference to the historical events(enclosed world) Social class awareness: ambiguous(strong awareness of strong differences but the only classes considered are landed gentry, aristocracy, professionals)

10 THEMES Marriage (social event not personal event) Social sensitivity(pride and prejudice) Self-knowledge(only that can break class barrier) Opposition between art and nature, feelings and common sense Women’s education(little)

11 OTHER FEATURES the protagonists NEVER WORK. They are busy with balls,entertainment and conversation. They are moderately educated Their houses are the mirror of the social status No interest in working classes

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