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Multiple Intelligences

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Intelligences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple Intelligences

2 Learning Goals: State all eight multiple intelligences
State all three learning styles Determine what your top three multiple intelligences are Determine what your learning style is Understand that everyone has all 8 multiple intelligences, some are stronger than others Explain the importance of knowing what your learning style/multiple intelligence is and how this can be beneficial for choosing careers

3 AGENDA Lesson Activity #1 Activity #2 Multiple Intelligence Test
Learning Style Test Reflection on Class Wiki

4 Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

5 Anyone notice the music being played at the beginning of class?
QUESTION?? Anyone notice the music being played at the beginning of class?

6 Musical Rhythmic (Music /Sound Smart)
Creating and feeling a rhythm to express a mood; detecting and analyzing musical themes Possible occupations: - Musician - DJ - Composer - Dancer

7 Verbal-Linguistic (Word Smart)
Use language to present your ideas, to express your feelings or to persuade others Possible occupations: Poet - Journalist - Writer - Teacher - Lawyer - Politician - Translator - Broadcaster

8 Logical/Mathematical (Number Smart)
Reasoning, logical thinking, handling mathematical problems Possible occupations: Scientist - Engineer - Computer Programmer - Researcher - Accountant - Mathematician - Banker - Financial Analyst

9 Visual-Spatial (Image Smart)
Creating and interpreting visual images; thinking in three dimensions Possible occupations: Geographer - Sculptor - Visual Artist - Inventor - Architect - Interior designer - Mechanic - Engineer - Fashion Designer - Photographer

10 Bodily-Kinesthetic (Body Smart)
Feeling and expressing things physically; doing hands-on work Possible occupations: Athlete - Physical education Teacher - Dancer - Actor - Firefighter - Skilled trades person - Fitness Instructor - Personal Trainer - Coach - Chef

11 Interpersonal (People Smart)
Understanding the feelings, needs and purposes of others Possible occupations: Counselor - Salesperson - Politician - Business Person - Marketing - Teacher - Social Worker - Camp Counselor - Server/bartender - Nurse

12 Intrapersonal (Self Smart)
Understanding your own interior thoughts and feelings in a very clear way Possible occupations: Professor - Philosopher - Researcher - Writer - Motivational Speaker

13 Naturalist (Nature Smart)
Understanding nature, seeing patterns in the way nature works; classifying things Possible occupations: Zookeeper - Biologist - Zoologist - Farmer - Hiking guide - Outdoor education teacher - Landscape designer/laborer

14 Learning Styles

15 Learning Styles There are three different types of learning styles :

16 Visual Understand and remember what they see
Pictures, videos and diagrams help them to remember Often decorate notebooks and re-write notes that look too messy

17 Strategies for Visual Learners:
Write things you want to remember down Look at the person who is speaking to you Most visual learners, learn best alone When studying, take many notes and write down lots of details When trying to learn material by writing out notes, cover your notes then re-write Use colour to highlight main ideas Before starting an assignment, set a goal and write it down. Before reading a chapter, preview it first by scanning the pictures, headings and so on Write your own flash cards Where possible, use charts, maps, posters, films, videos, computer software – both to study from and to present your work

18 Auditory Understand and remember what they hear by speaking
Enjoy debates and discussions Excel at presentations and interviews

19 Strategies for Auditory Learners:
Study with a friend so you can talk about the information Recite out loud the information you want to remember several times Oral Presentations When reading, skim through and look at the pictures and titles and say out loud what you think the book is about Make flashcards for various material you want to learn and use them repeatedly, reading them out loud Set a goal for your assignments and verbalize them. Say your goals out loud each time you begin your work Read out loud when possible. You need to hear the words as you read them

20 Kinesthetic / Tactile Understand and remember by doing and moving
Work well with models and materials Motivate others to try new experiences They exemplify the Nike motto “Just Do It”

21 Strategies for Kinesthetic/Tactile Learners:
To memorize, pace or walk around while reciting to yourself Fidget. Try jiggling your legs or feet; hand exercises Might not study best at a desk. Try lying on your stomach or back or on a comfortable chair Study with music in the background While studying, take frequent breaks, but be sure to settle back down to work quickly When trying to memorize information, try closing your eyes and writing the information in the air with your finger Write your notes down – muscle memory

22 Final Point You will probably have one learning style that is more dominant than the rest However, you can learn in the other ways and will improve your learning by incorporating all 3 learning styles It is important to improve your weaker learning style Use combinations of strategies that work for you

23 Activity #1: The Wright Family
Instructions: Stand in a circle Everyone is going to get a marker When you hear ‘RIGHT’ pass the marker to the RIGHT - When you hear ‘LEFT’ pass the marker to the LEFT

24 Activity #1: Debrief By a show of hands: - How many thought this activity was challenging? - How many thoughts this activity was easy? Which type of learning style was dominant in this activity? Which multiple intelligence was dominant in this activity?

25 Activity #2: What’s Different
Just for fun, we will make this a competition: two teams Half of the class is going to be Team A Half of the class is going to be Team B For about two minutes, each team is going to analyze each other, from head to toe. Try to remember as much as you can about your opponents. Then, each team will have about 5 minutes to change something about themselves The challenge is for each team to determine at least 5 differences about their opposing team

26 Activity #2: Debrief By a show of hands: - How many thought this activity was challenging? - How many thought this activity was easy? Which type of learning style was dominant in this activity? Which multiple intelligence was dominant in this activity?

27 Test Yourself Now! On our Class Wiki you will find a link to a Multiple Intelligence Test and a Learning Style Test Complete both tests Save your results (you will need this for your final summative at the end of the course) Once you are done, complete the personal reflection questions on our Class Wiki by answering the following questions (1 paragraph maximum): - What is your learning style? - What are your top three multiple intelligences? - Did your results make sense to you? Do you think they were accurate? - How can this be helpful for choosing a career or career path? - What possible specific career direction did your results indicate?

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