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E-Safety Challenge College. Learning Objectives To analyse computer viruses and their potential danger to your (school) work.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Safety Challenge College. Learning Objectives To analyse computer viruses and their potential danger to your (school) work."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Safety Challenge College

2 Learning Objectives To analyse computer viruses and their potential danger to your (school) work

3 What is a computer virus? A computer virus is similar to a virus you might catch when you are feeling unwell. Just like a biological virus, a computer virus can shut the system down temporarily or for more serious cases permanently

4 Computers can get infected through: USB pen drives Downloading content from the Internet Email attachments installation of software from a CD

5 Signs of a Computer Infection Some signs that may indicate your computer is infected include: ◦ Your computer functions slower than normal ◦ Your computer responds slowly and freezes often ◦ Your computer restarts itself often ◦ You see uncommon error messages, distorted menus, and dialog boxes ◦ You notice applications on your computer fail to work correctly ◦ You fail to print correctly

6 Prevention is better than the cure… Antivirus software (program which scans your machine to check for viruses) Firewall (electronic wall that blocks content from coming through to your system) Anti spy ware (program sits in the computer and observes content at all time)

7 Discuss Whether your machine has ever been infected: ◦ How did it happen? ◦ Did you manage to fix it? ◦ How could it have been prevented? Create a top tips card informing people how to prevent your computer from being infected by a virus. (Page 16 of your booklet)

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