Wrapping Up Water Review of facts Questions Ideas.

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1 Wrapping Up Water Review of facts Questions Ideas

2 Health

3 Developing Country A country that is poor and whose citizens are mostly agricultural workers but that wants to become more advanced socially and economically A country that is poor and whose citizens are mostly agricultural workers but that wants to become more advanced socially and economically List of Developing Countries List of Developing Countries List

4 Statistics World has 2.2 billion children World has 2.2 billion children Developing countries – health care for children is poor Developing countries – health care for children is poor Malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia are some of the major causes of death Malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia are some of the major causes of death Children in developing countries are thirteen times more likely to die in the first five years of life than those in developed countries. Children in developing countries are thirteen times more likely to die in the first five years of life than those in developed countries.

5 Deaths About 25,000 children die per day About 25,000 children die per day 1 out of 6 children in the world die before their 5 th birthday 1 out of 6 children in the world die before their 5 th birthday 2 million children under five die of diarrhea each year 2 million children under five die of diarrhea each year One child dies every 5 seconds as a result of hunger One child dies every 5 seconds as a result of hunger Children in developing countries are thirteen times more likely to die in the first five years of life than those in developed countries. Children in developing countries are thirteen times more likely to die in the first five years of life than those in developed countries.



8 Health Video When finished, write three questions you’d like to know more about.

9 Food Video Write five facts you learned.

10 Writing a Summary Topic Sentence – introduces main idea Topic Sentence – introduces main idea Supporting Details – offer specific details that support the topic Supporting Details – offer specific details that support the topic Concluding Sentence – re-states the main idea Concluding Sentence – re-states the main idea Write a summary of the Food Video. Write a summary of the Food Video.

11 Choose a Topic Water Is there enough clean water for all of us on the planet? Are there better ways to make it available? Is there enough clean water for all of us on the planet? Are there better ways to make it available?Food How can we make sure everyone has enough to eat? How can we make sure everyone has enough to eat?Transportation How can we find new ways to transport ourselves without relying upon fossil fuels that give off pollution such as gas? How can we find new ways to transport ourselves without relying upon fossil fuels that give off pollution such as gas?

12 Choose a Topic (cont.) Health Can we get rid of all diseases in the world? What and where are the deadliest diseases? Can we get rid of all diseases in the world? What and where are the deadliest diseases?Economy Is it possible to somehow make all countries have good finances so that no countries are poor? Is it possible to somehow make all countries have good finances so that no countries are poor?Education How can more people gain access to a better education? How can more people gain access to a better education?

13 Choose a Topic (cont.) Energy There are enough renewable energy sources to power our planet indefinitely. How can we make better use of them? There are enough renewable energy sources to power our planet indefinitely. How can we make better use of them?Shelter How can more people gain access to adequate shelter and safe, livable communities? How can more people gain access to adequate shelter and safe, livable communities?

14 Choose a Topic (cont.) War What is the full cost of war? What is the full cost of war?Waste With so many people on the planet, aren't there better ways to recycle or dispose of our waste? With so many people on the planet, aren't there better ways to recycle or dispose of our waste?

15 Choose a 3 Topics Write 2 complete sentences on why you chose each one Water Water Food Food Transportation Transportation Health Health Economy Economy Education Education Energy Energy Shelter Shelter War War Waste Waste

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