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Unit 4 (1450-1750) 5th period: Sophie Schell, Corinne Smith, Daniel Bohart.

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1 Unit 4 (1450-1750) 5th period: Sophie Schell, Corinne Smith, Daniel Bohart

2 Theme 1: interaction between Humans and their Environment New to AmericaNew to Europe Domesticated animals (pig,cow horses)New agricultural produces (Tobacco, sweet potato, etc..) diseases (small pox…)Increase in silver Increases in european populationIncrease in slave trade decreases in the amount of silver in the americas large amounts of immigration from europe to the americas Increase in the use of corrhorseve labor decrease in native population V

3 POV’s with initial contact: ● Natives: didn’t like the european invasions of land and resources ● Europeans: saw an economic opportunity in the New World such as land for plantations ● Christopher Columbus: thought the Native Americans were Indians because he thought he was in India Theme 2: Development and Interactions of Cultures Impacts of the Scientific Revolution: ●people began questioning some religious aspects such as divine right of kings ●more logical thinking led to the enlightenment ●age of exploration

4 Impacts of the Enlightenment: ● ideas of feminism began to arise ● Mary Wollstonecraft ● Locke, Voltaire, Montesquieu Rousseau ● humanism ● people wanted more say in government, ex. parliament Theme 2: Development and Interactions of Cultures Mughals & Americas on Art/Culture: ●Mughals practice of religious tolerance ●womens positions improved ●trade from Mughals- spices to europe ●british East India Company

5 Protestantism: ● catholic church loses power in Europe ● some people leave Europe in search of religious freedom ● Catholic Reformation Vodun: ● developed in Africa ● spread to the Caribbean ● result of African diaspora Theme 2: Development and Interactions of Cultures (New Religions) Zen: ●influenced buddhism in China ●encouraged meditation ●influenced by yoga Sikhism: ●combination of Hinduism and Islam ●monotheistic

6 Describe the political and social systems found within the Americas prior to the arrival of the Europeans. ● Aztec -human sacrifice (intimidation of other groups) -city states -nobility -tribute system ● Inca -large working class -festivals/ceremonies by gornment - use labor as tax (mita system) ● North American Tribes -different tribes have different dialects/languages -importance of family (kingship basis for armed conflict) -women do field work, take care of children, gather food, have more respect than women in europe Theme 3: State Building, Expansion, and Conflict

7 How did Spain, Portugal, France, and Britain administer their colonies politically, economically, and socially? ● Spain ○ Crown appoints viceroys/magistrates/governors to keep control of areas overseas ○ Clergy (Catholic Church) is influential - missionaries convert native Americans to Christianity ○ try to keep colonies dependent through mercantilism - colonies dependent on Spain for traded goods ○ Sociodad de Castas - puts europeans at the top ● Portugal ○ clergy has power ○ mercantilism - benefit from sugar trade and gold mining - use caravels (ships) ○ enslavement of Africans for labor on sugar plantations ● France ○ king - absolute monarch (no power for citizens, no representative government) ○ farming and fur trade in Canada ○ alliance with native americans - allies against British ● Britain ○ local governments set up in colonies ○ farming, fishing, cotton and tobacco trade in North America ○ sometimes friendly to natives Theme 3: State Building, Expansion, and Conflict

8 Compare the political bureaucracies found in europe to those found in China and Japan. EuropeChina Japan Absolute monarchs (use divine right Emperor (uses the mandate of Shogun in Japan of kings) heaven) use samurai as regional rulers use of a parliament - some individual use of a bureaucracy (civil rights service exams) use of mercantilism (government influences trade) Theme 3: State Building, Expansion, and Conflict

9 Discuss the key concepts of the relationship between the following empires and their interactions wiht the rising power of the west. ● Ottoman Empire - central location (gateway between eastern and western worlds), facilitate Indian Ocean trade ● China - Zheng He trade expeditions to show off power ● Safavid - control in Persian Gulf (Indian ocean trade), try to conquer Ottoman territory, Silk Road trade (trade silks/carpets) ● Tokugawa - open trade to europe, then try to shut europe out because of the spread of Christianity ● Mughal - controlled by British East India Company Discuss the political, economic, and social impacts of the Russian Empire. ● absolute monarchs (Peter the Great, Catherine the Great) ● no merchant class, rely on western europeans for trade ● serfdom - leads to them industrializing later ● selective westernization - adopt some western cultural elements but try to remain separate, don’t adopt all of the enlightenment ideas Theme 3: State Building, Expansion,

10 Compare methods with which empires were built. Used Superior Military Technology: ● Europe - allows for conquest of natives in the Americas ● Asia - Mughals use gunpowder/firearms to expand empire ● Americas - expansion of european empires using better weapons (firearms) ● Africa - Ottomans in northern Africa, use gunpowder weapons for expansion Strengthened by International Trade: ● Europe - trade of silver from the new world ● Asia - trade of luxury goods (porcelain) for silver from europeans ● Americas - silver trade for europeans, sugar plantations in Latin America ● Africa - Salt, gold, ivory, slave trade, Theme 3: State Building, Expansion, and Conflict

11 Theme 4: Creation,Expansion, and interaction of economic systems The Americas ●The North American indians used a land trade network similar to the silk road. ●Both the Americas and Europe used the sea for trade. Coercive labor systems ●slavery was used in the americas to have free labor on farms for profit. ●the mita system was used by the aztecs to keep people giving tribute to the empire ●the encomienda system was very similar to the mita but forced natives to work. slave and worker system pov amd goal of its development. ●the development of slavery in the americas was to have cheap labor and make a profit which allowed for stronger empires with more political sway.

12 Analyze the role of gender in colonial empires, includint the role of all females within the households, family structures, and in politics… …from the America’s POV. ● within households/family structures: take care of kids, run household/ housework ● politically: patriarchal, women get more respect than in europe … form the European POV ● patriarchy ● don’t have official political control, but upper class women can influence their husbands Theme 5: Development and Transformation of Social Structures

13 What are the similarities and differences between the major Asian land empires and the European Sea empires of the 1450-1750 time period? Similarities Differences -use firearms for expansion/control-land empires don’t have colonies in the new world -patriarchy -differing amounts of religious tolerance (ex: -international trade (Atlantic Ocean trade/Triangular Ottomans allow all religions vs. Safavids/Mughals trade, Silk Roads, Indian Ocean trade, Trans Saharanonly allow Islam) trade -Different trade routes for different empires Other Key Objectives

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