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Guided Reading Activity 16-3

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1 Guided Reading Activity 16-3

2 I. Emancipation A. 1. making an issue of slavery would divide the people and make the war less popular 2. They believed that slavery was helping the war effort in the South B. He did not want to appear to be acting in desperation when the North seemed to be losing the war

3 C. 1. It applied only to areas that the Confederacy controlled 2. It would encourage them to run away from their slaveholders 3. Great Britain and France decided to withhold recognition of the Cofederacy 4. 13th Amendment

4 II. African Americans in the War
1. about 1/6 2. Southerners feared slaves would use the weapons to rebel against the South B. As guides and spies C. 1. one of the most famous African American regiments 2. Nearly half of the soldiers in the 54th Mass. were wounded, captured, or killed in a brave attack on a Confederate fort

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