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Guided Reading Activity 17-4

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1 Guided Reading Activity 17-4
Recalling the Facts Change in the South

2 1. Horace Greeley 2. It pardoned most former Confederates 3. Democrats won by a 30,000 majority 4. a series of political scandals 5. a special commission 6. President Rutherford B. Hayes 7. They had “redeemed,” or saved, the South from Republican rule 8. industries based on coal, iron, tobacco, cotton, lumber, and the region’s other abundant resources

3 9. textile, lumbering and tobacco processing, iron and steel
10. a cheap and reliable workforce and a railroad-building boom 11. sharecropping and reliance on a single cash crop (cotton) 12. by charging a poll tax, which most African Americans could not afford or by making them take a literacy test, which they could not pass because they had so little education 13. Jim Crow laws required African Americans and whites to be separated in almost every public place where they might come in contact with each other 14. lynching, or hanging 15. it did not make good on the promise of true freedom to formerly enslaved African Americans

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