Closing notes TERENA Networking Conference Lyngby, Denmark 21 - 24 May 2007 Miroslav MIlinović TERENA VP Conferences

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2 Closing notes TERENA Networking Conference Lyngby, Denmark 21 - 24 May 2007 Miroslav MIlinović TERENA VP Conferences

3 Slide 2 Aims ›Annual Conference is the main opportunity for discussion within our community ›Participants: ›The National Networks and their developers ›Users of the National Networks ›International colleagues ›Industry ›Policy makers and Government

4 Slide 3 TNC 200 7, 21-24 May, Lyngby, Denmark ›Organised by TERENA ›Hosted by UNI-C with support from DTU ›Local support provided by ICS

5 Slide 4

6 Slide 5 Some statistics... ›470 participants ›max. of 107 users simultaneously watched streaming (590 in total; 70 average) ›WLAN / eduroam stats: ›max. of 291 simultaneous WLAN connections ›max. of 56 simultaneous eduroamers (124 different identities used in total)

7 Slide 6 Visible services – transparent networks ›106 speakers in 4 plenaries and 32 sessions ›number of side meetings, workshops, BoFs ›Topics included: ›VISIBLE SERVICES ›Connecting Users ›Protecting Users ›Enabling Users ›Novel Uses ›TRANSPARENT NETWORKS ›Quality Infrastructure ›Protecting the Infrastructure ›Beyond the Infrastructure ›Getting to the Infrastructure

8 Slide 7 Our Planet...


10 Slide 9

11 Slide 10 Our Network

12 Slide 11 Programme Committee 2007 Chair Thomas SchmidtFHTW Berlin and HAW HamburgGermany Members Hansruedi Born SWITCHSwitzerland Andrew CormackUKERNAUnited Kingdom Felix KuglerSWITCH Switzerland Mikael LindenCSC/FUNETFinland Catalin MeirosuTERENA Dan M ø nsterUNI CDenmark Michael NowlanTrinity College DublinIreland Ingrid MelveUNINETTNorway Esther RoblesRedIRISSpain Dale RobertsonDANTE Koen SchelkensBELNETBelgium Brian VinterUniversity of CopenhagenDenmark Steven WallaceIndiana UniversityUSA

13 Slide 12 Thanks to.... ›Martin BechUNIC ›Gitte Julin KudskUNIC ›Linda Greve BendixenUNIC ›Julie DrehnICS/AS ›Thomas DanøDTU (Network) ›Thorkilde JensenUNIC (Streaming/tech. support) ›special thanks to Lone Wessmann and Anette Grimm - UNIC ›Bert van PinxtereenTERENA ›Jim BuddinTERENA ›Carol de GrootTERENA... and other members of TERENA staff

14 Slide 13

15 Slide 14 Thanks to... ›Speakers and session chairs ›Plenary speakers ›Catherine Richardson ›Kevin Almeroth ›Jun Murai ›Claudia Natanson ›Otthein Herzog ›Max Ibel ›and to you, the conference participants

16 Slide 15 Programme Committee 2008 Chair Diego LopezRedIRISSpain Members Hansruedi Born SWITCHSwitzerland Jacqueline BrownU.WashingtonUSA Andrew CormackUKERNAUnited Kingdom Baiba KaskinaLATNETLatvia Andras KovacsNIIF/HUNGARNET Hungary Mikael LindenCSC/FUNETFinland Mike NelsonIBMUSA Ligia RibieroEUNIS Dale RobertsonDANTE Esther RoblesRedIRISSpain Koen SchelkensBELNETBelgium

17 Slide 16 19 - 22 May 2008 Bruges (Brugge), Belgium TERENA Networking Conference 200 8

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