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Multidisciplinary Senior Design Project Charles Alexander, Tom Christen, Kim Maier, Reggie Pierce, Matt Fister, Zach Mink Underwater Thermoelectric Power.

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Presentation on theme: "Multidisciplinary Senior Design Project Charles Alexander, Tom Christen, Kim Maier, Reggie Pierce, Matt Fister, Zach Mink Underwater Thermoelectric Power."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multidisciplinary Senior Design Project Charles Alexander, Tom Christen, Kim Maier, Reggie Pierce, Matt Fister, Zach Mink Underwater Thermoelectric Power Generation System P14254

2 Team: Charles AlexanderM.E. Tom ChristenM.E. (Lead Engineer) Kim MaierM.E. (Project Engineer) Reggie PierceM.E. Matt FisterE.E. Zach MinkE.E. Faculty Guide: Rick Lux Primary Customer: Dr. Robert Stevens Introductions

3 Problem Statement Background Information Deliverables Scenarios Considered Constraints Customer Requirements Engineering Requirements House of Quality Preliminary Project Schedule Issues and Corrective Actions Agenda

4 ●Current State: ○Boeing’s current UUV, the Echo Ranger has a maximum mission time of 28 hours. Boeing would like to significantly extend this mission time. ●Desired State: ○Boeing would like to utilize a thermoelectric system to significantly extend mission time of their UUVs. ●Project Goals: ○ Demonstrate proof of concept of thermoelectric system ■ Use a temperature differential to charge a battery ■ Achieve maximum thermoelectric efficiency over a range of temperatures ■ Establish a UUV-based research partnership between Boeing and RIT ●Constraints: ○ System must operate underwater ○ System must utilize a thermoelectric device ○ System must operate autonomously Problem Statement

5 Background Information Boeing’s UUV, Echo Ranger ● Developed in 2001 for seafloor mapping for oil/gas industry ● Currently testing the idea for potential military applications ○ ISR ○ Harbor security ● Current run time ○ ~28 hours

6 thermoelectric module picture thermoelectric IV curve Background Information

7 ●Functional prototype which demonstrates proof of concept for an underwater thermoelectric device ●Appropriate design, test, and integration documentation to support eventual inclusion in a UUV ●Test data verifying engineering requirements have been met Deliverables

8 ●Thermoelectrics have low efficiency ○They need a lot of heat supplied 2 Options: ●Radioisotope ●Fuel Cell Use Scenarios

9 Economical: Budget Range - $950-$1800 Technical: Underwater Operation Power generation - must be accomplished by the use of thermoelectrics Size - details have not been furnished Constraints

10 ● Continuously generate power ● Charge a battery ● Operate underwater ● Heat source provided a constant source of heat ● Waterproof ● System can withstand desired water pressure Customer Requirements

11 Power Output Heat Source Power Input Upper Ambient Operating Temperature Thermal Overload Protection System Operates Without User Input Engineering Requirements rqmt. #ImportanceSourceEngr. Requirement (metric) Unit of Measure Marginal Value Ideal Value Comments/Status S19CR1Power OutputW1520 S29CR8Heat Source Power InputW400500 S33CR4Battery VoltageV S49CR2 Upper Ambient Operating Temperature°C3040 Specs TBD based on Thermoelectric specs S53CR2 Lower Ambient Operating Temperature°C100 More based on seal integrity than power generation S63CR11Waterproof Depthm15 S73CR12Enclosure Sizecm^380003375 S81CR9Budget$1900950 S93CR12System Weightkg S103CR13Heat Source Dimensionscm Resemble power source S113CR3Charging Efficiency% S129CR5 Thermal Overload Protection Systembinaryyes S139CR6Operates Without User Inputbinaryyes

12 ● Continuously Generate Power ● Charge a Battery ● Waterproof House of Quality

13 Project Plan

14 ● Lack of defined engineering requirements - heat source, battery voltage, etc. ● Obtain information from Boeing or design our own ● Little communication with the end customer ● Find a direct contact with Boeing ● Completion of group tasks ● Ensure all group members are notified of current statuses (Drive Notifications) Issues and Corrective Actions

15 Questions?

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